Hi, i'm new on the site.
I have to say I am disappointed with the digital White Dwarf.
- First, it's nearly 480 Mo an issue

Isn't it just crazy ? Big games on the Ipad are around the same size.
That means if you get 12 issues, it takes around 5 Gig of Space on your Ipad.
And nothing justifies this size, it's just bad encoding and design.
- secondly you cannot zoom the text or change the font size and zoom on most of the images. I am nearly forty, and I find it more and more difficult to read small characters. It's also difficult to leave the pages that display 360 degrees rotating pictures to get to the next page.
Other than this, it's still a digital product and I like this better than the real thing (mainly because its easier to carry around and can be read even at night).
Now I hadn't bought a White Dwarf for ages. I now see this is just a catalog where game designers and sculptors congratule themselves about the good work they have done and how their minis are the best in the world (..or so they think).
Articles about how to make terrain? Nada
New rules or rules explained ? Niet
Anything else ? A tour of GW factory , an inside look at how miniatures are sculpted ? Nope.
So to sum up :
Digital issue : can be improved
Content: can REALLY be improved.