The One Ring

Character cards article
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Author:  Bofur The Dwarf [ Sat May 24, 2014 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Character cards article


So in the article library, there is that topic. It's basically some nice reference cards that can be ticked off accordingly throughout the game. It makes it easy to track Might and Wounds and Fate.

Anyway, the links to the character cards don't work for me? Does anyone else have this problem? Have they been deleted? Or are there any replacements/others available?

I'd find these very handy, even if they may be a little outdated.

Author:  FĂ«anor, the mighty elf [ Sat May 24, 2014 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Character cards article

Aye, I get error as well.

I still got them saved on my computer though. If you send me your email address in a PM, I will send the files. ;)

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