The One Ring

Testors paints and their GW eguivalents
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Author:  BurningMithril [ Sun May 02, 2010 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Testors paints and their GW eguivalents

Now, I usually use Testors because they're really easy to find around where I live and extremely cheap - almost half the price of GW paints. Unfortunately, every single painting guide that I know of uses GW paint names. Does anyone have a chart or something for paint equivalents?

By the way, I'm just using generic Testors enamel paints, no special brands.

Author:  theOneRider [ Mon May 03, 2010 5:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Uh, Testors is a specific brand.

I don't think there are very many exact equivalents, actually. I agree that having a list of what is close could be helpful for people. But, I also think that just checking to compare is not much effort, & I've gone on the GW site to make quick color checks when I'm giving advice.
Myself, I just use what colors I like, from what paint manufacturers I can get hold of.

Author:  BurningMithril [ Mon May 03, 2010 5:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

I meant that Testors has separate types inside of the brand. Thanks anyways.

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