Ah, yes, campaigns! How lovely is it to play in a cool campaign?!
Rev/Neldoreth has written a beautiful set of rules years ago, available for free here:
http://www.hourofwolves.org/?view=campa ... rOfTheRingInspired by this, I set out to make my own rules. I've worked on these rules for 5 years with long breaks, and it's still not done. But, I got a lot of ideas, so I can send you some stuff if you're interested. Most of those rules are for more elaborate campaigns though. I have made two campaign maps, and wrote an article on it for Der Skirmisher (
http://hdrskirmisher.wordpress.com/2014 ... gust-2014/). You can find a showcase (read: shameless showoff) of my maps here:
http://hdrskirmisher.wordpress.com/2014 ... aign-maps/I also have some other campaign rules in pdf on my laptop. Let me know if you want me to send them.

Good luck, and please let us know your progress! Campaigns are the most rewarding part of the hobby, I find. Everything comes together, with a nice storyline.