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 Post subject: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:36 pm 
Elven Warrior
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HOBBIT Throne of Skulls, Warhammer World 2014

A review by Steve Crowe.

Disclaimer.... My memory is bobbins!

First off Id just like to thank all the contestants and staff of whom I cant remember their names and its very possible I may miss some details out, as the Saturday night antics are still having an affect on me now!! lol

This was not my first visit to Warhammer World , but it was my first tournament. And what a tournament it was!

We started out on the Friday morning getting everyone picked up and on the road as soon as we could, there were myself, GBHL James, GBHL Jamie and Kieron Street all packed into the car and off we went on our Middle Earth adventure.
Its not the best drive in the world from Manchester to Nottingham over Snake Pass and past all the roadworks on the M1 but we got there and made our way into the hall where Throne of LOL's was already taking place (Damien O'byrnes mini fun pre tourney warm up!)
It was great to see some faces I kinda knew and some new faces as eveybody looked hyped up and in great spirits for the weekend ahead.

We greeted our pals and shared a few pre battle jibes ;) then decided to get some food whilst Throne of LOLs was going on. Over our food which was of decent quality from Bugmans Bar whilst ?James was using his celebrity status to talk people into painting his unfinished force (tut tut), me and Thomas Macklin decided to have a friendly game to test out our forces and have a chat and giggle mostly.

Id brought a Gondor force almost identical to Stockport but with obviously an extra 100 pts to play with.

So my force was

Warband 1
Faramir, Captain of Gondor with armoured horse; Heavy armour; Lance; Shield;
6 Knights of Minas Tirith with Shield;

Warband 2
Damrod, Ranger of Ithilien
9 Rangers with Spear;

Warband 3
Beregond with Horse
10 Fountain Court Guard with shields

Warband 4 5/12
Forlong the Fat mounted
8 Axeman of Lossarnach
4 Clansmen of Lamedon

I brought this force after speaking with James about possibilities of different things and he suggested the axemen having piercing strike and the possibility to support could be very effective.

I cant remember Toms full list but it consisted of Balin, Floi, a shieldbearer and a Captain along with Khazads, iron guard and warriors with shields which was a good sturdy force and needing 6's and 6/4's to wound was pretty intimidating.
We rolled for Scenario and got “Domination”.
5 objectives to fight over and I think suited my force a bit better than Toms with my superior force number and cavalry to manoeuvre the board a bit better than dwarves little legs, lol.

Toms a great opponent and gent to boot, this was the first time we'd played eachother and it turned out to be a cracking game. Gondor proved to be too strong for the Dwarves with their all round capabilities of high defence, F4, cavalry and Bow fire. I think the game ended due to Tom being 25%, correct me if am wrong buddy, heads still very fuzzy!!! lol.

After that me and James headed off to book into our hotel and dump our gear. We stayed at the Holiday Inn which Id recommend to anybody visiting WW. Comfy rooms, late bar, decent brews...... We done so and then made our way back to WW for Middle Earths deadliest Warband, but unfortunatly we arrived a little late so just missed the first round but it was cool, I took the opportunity to browse around, look at everyones warbands and say hi to people I hadnt already said hi to!

So MEDW came to an end and we all had a few drinks and a chat about the possibilities of certain matchups for the following day. From WW we headed back to the hotel where Damien O'Byrne, Tom Harrison, Callum and a few others were staying also so obviously we all set camp up at the hotel bar and had a few drinks, talked about the hobby and played weird card games no one understood until we all decided to call it a night and get some kip.

So it had arrived! Day 1 of Throne of Skulls! On arrival back at Warhammer world most of us decided to get some breakfast to keep the energy levels up for a day that would consist of the first four games of the tournament. These four scenarios would be decided by a dice roll just before each round and all four would be from the original army books.


So round one and Im drawn against Rob Jacobs, A nice guy Id also played at Stockport.
He had an Elven force of two warbands, one was Rivendell knights with Elrond and the second was Legolas with Mirkwood elves.
The scenario would be High Ground, now High Ground is basically a seize the hill type game where the objective is the have control of a hill on the board and not let your opponent get any where near it to do the same.

I have to admit I was fairly confident for the simple reason of my army had far more models than Robs and there was quite a bit of terrain on our board which helped me avoid the elves bow fire a bit.
So we rolled off and started to place our warbands. Rob placed Leggy and his elves a fair distance from the hill to which I thought Id just go for and barring my Fiefdoms got everything pretty much on the hill which also had a ruins piece on the top where I could set my Fountain guard up in defensive positions. Rob had also places Elrond and Co almost at the bottom of the hill which straight off the bat split an already small force in two. I had to take advantage of this and set Forlongs band up as close as possible in cover to the Mirkwood possy!
I think Rob had two round of shooting which had an average success rate killing a few clansmen but I knew once Id reached the elves hed be in trouble, even with the special rule of Elves gaining a dice for every additional unit fighting him the Axemen were too strong and soon killed most of them off and tying up Leggy for most of the game.

On the hill itself Elrond was also playing a pretty defensive role sitting there and shooting so Id decided to charge my knights in just to upset that shooting turn and hopefully dismount a few elf knights. I also had my rangers in a position to ruturn some bowfire from the rivendell knights with limited success.
Rob managed to use natures wrath and get a few dismounts and could of almost killed or wounded my leader but for some heroic moves as Id used hardly any might, and won roll offs. So I was able to call victory on this one. And it felt good to win the first game.
I think this scenario suits my force very well and Rob was always up against it but fair play to him he battled on till the end.


In round 2 I was drawn against a gent of a fella called David Alexander.
The scenario would be Lords of Battle and he took High Elves with Rumil, Gildor and I think the twins accompanied by high elves with two handed weapons, spears bows, you name it they had it, lol
And what a force it was.
David set up his battle lines and Gondor just really struggled here against the high defence of the high elves.
Its been a while so cant remember the intricacies of the battle but I think I just lined up to his lines and tried to go toe to toe with the elves which was pretty disastrous for me, lol.
Gondor one by one crumbled with the twins keeping a good third of my force busy whilst Rumil negated all my 6's!!! I just couldnt wound him, I won many fights but rolling to would was terrible!!!!
So this was a loss for my force but David was a lovely guy and it was a pleasure to have a game against him. ( planning my anti high elf force as we speak!)


In round I drew Thomas Macklin and sods law for him it was Domination again! As per our friendly game, lol
This time the Dwarves were a little more stubborn and only for me contesting one of the markers Toms dwarves were holding with a couple of knights in the last turn the game coulda ended up completely different but it was another win for me, Woop (Soz Tom) lol

Mr Macklin is a great guy and if you get the chance and you havent played him already Id recommend squeezing a game in with him if possible! And am not just saying that cos I walloped him twice ;) only joking Tom!!!! Both my games were a really good laugh and he got my best opponent vote.


Hold Ground Vs Mr. Robert Gibney and his Isengard list with Siege Ballista! He had Vrasku with a warband of Uruk Crossbows and Mauhur with some scouts and berserkers.
Rob again is a great guy and someone Iv never met before so it was an absolute pleasure to take him on.
Now at first glance with a warband Crossbows led by Vrasku and the Ballista looming dangerously on the board edge I was quite intimidated but once Id seen his whole force placed down it soon became obvious I had a massive numbers advantage.
As luck would have it Robert rolled badly on his Mahurs warband and I was able to choose the board edge he was to start from which I obviously split his already small force in two!

Even though Robert was at this huge disadvantage the game was played in a really fun and friendly manner and Robert at one point took three Fountain court guard out with one shot aimed at Beregond!!!! So kudos to you my friend.
Innevitably Iwas able to control the board and still be able to afford to let Robert stand and shoot with the uruk crossbows without it causing too much concern.
So the game ended and it was another win for Gondor Woop!


So after a hard days gaming it was time for the pub quiz which even though I was looking forward to it I enjoyed it far more than I thought I would lol.
I was teamed with Tom Macklin, Mertaal, Tom Williams, Larry Miller, George Perkins and I think the lads name was James (please make yourself known I feel terrible for not remembereing but we had a right laugh, lol)
Anyway to cut a long story short we was robbed!!!!!! Pffft 7 men in a 6 man quiz!!!!! Abusing celebrity status methinks ;)

So drinks ensued and we all chatted and joked about our games past and games to come, then myself, GBHL Jonny Bravo, Keiron Street, Damien O, Tom H, Callum and a few others headed back to our hotel and we had a few drinks more to the point where I 100% blame Callum because he went up to his room and came down looking like Travolta from Saturday night Fever!.... But a handfull of us braved the Nottingham nightlife!!!!!!
Now this part of the weekend will be saved for pub chatter and reminiscing over a campfire about days gone by but what I will say is... Friendships are forged in fire and man were we on fire that night!!!! LOL


Crispin Farbrother and I were drawn to have a very thematic Gondor Vs Mordor faceoff!!!
Now Crispin's force was quite intimidating... If I remember correctly he had Shagrat warleader with a warband of Uruks, A Beast of Gargoroth and a warband of Mordor Orcs led by a captain I think.
The Scenario was rescue and I had the choice of being attacker or Defender to which I decided to have my leader Faramir in the centre and let him try to catch him whilst I used all my other cannon fodder to slow him down and be a nuisance.
With Faramir being mounted it was fairly obvious he would never get caught and I continued to run to the furthest corner of the board. I deployed the rest of my force all on one edge on a slight hill and basically just waited for Mordor to hit this wall of warriors whilst Faramir fled.
Although it became fairly obvious my leader was not going to be caught, myself and Crispin still had a good old battle. He got one decent charge in with the beast which took down a handfull of Gondors finest but I was then able to surround and take down the beast which I have to admit felt awesome!!!!!
After that the fighting continued on the hill edge until eventually time was called and in the last turn I needed two more kills to break my enemy............. Sods law dire dice rolling failed to kill on 5 occasions where I looked certain to win fights with my mounted knights with lances against lowly orcs's and the game was a draw!
I was in no way bitter or dis appointed as Crispin is a great guy and it was a pleasure to fight such a themed and well presented force.


So Blockade was the Scenario and Melvin was to be my opponent!
Now I do have to say Melvins force was beautifully painted and he'd done a conversion of a mounted Orc Captain using Gorbag and a Warg Chieftan which I am 100% going to rip off!!!! lol Sorry bud ;)
So Melvin had in his force I think...... Black guard led by a captain, A troll drummer, a load of orcs with the captain I mentioned and one of the named wraiths but I cant for the life of me remember which??? Am sure if you read this Melvin youll let us know.

So we rolled off and it was my task to get Faramir off the opposite table edge.
Now this is where opponent knowledge naivety comes into play and has made me realise I need to brush up on models special rules not just of my force but of every force!!!!
I was unaware of the Troll drummers ability to beat on those drums every turn and call a “with me!” type rule to move at an advanced rate, which is an awesome rule in scenarios like this.
So basically with a couple of turns Melvin had wheeled his force on the side of the Troll around to block the centre of the table off which forced me to waste a few moves faffing around and changing my mind about my route, which became my downfall as the tock was ticking and it soon became apparent that I wouldn’t have time to get off the opposite table edge.
So once he'd cut the table in two he then proceeded to march toward me which I then decided to tie up as much as I could and try to sneak my leader past the chaos. This plan ended up working ok'ish, lol If we had more time I reckon I could of got him off, as I was half way up the side with his leader and his minions and also used Beregond to charge his leader using bodyguard to counter his terror! So I think my tactic was sound but time was against me and Melvin played the game very well, I could tell he was a seasoned player and thought a couple of moves ahead like transfixing my easy prey warriors and commanding them into charge range of his troll to which he could then hurl him aaaaaaarrrrgh, lol. So we will never know if we had another half hour what could have been maybe I was playing right into his hands I just dont know???
The game ended a draw and we shook hands unfulfilled and wanting more blood, lol.
I am really looking forward to playing Melvin again sometime hes a great guy and helped me a lot with unfamiliar rules plus we have unfinished business, lol


Now going in to this small review of the 7th and final game I just wanna say how in this hobby every aspect of it and people Ive met through it, its been an absolute pleasure and I don’t want the following few sentences to put anyone off the hobby as I’m 100% sure this is an isolated case of one person who just doesn’t get it!

It was bitter sweet going into the last game as I was happy Id had a great weekend and met even more cool people with the hobbit as a hobby but at the same time a little bit gutted my first Throne of Skulls was coming to an end, but I knew I wanted to make the most of it and Seize the Prize is a scenario I like and was fairly confident of doing well in.

I was drawn against a guy called Alec Fowler, now throughout the course of the weekend Id heard a few rumours of this one guy who was being a complete douche and ruining the games for everyone for one reason or another but I didn’t realise it was this guy! Man was I in for a shock.........

So I introduced myself and got the pleasantries out of the way, asked about his army and how he’d fared etc. He continued to tell me he’d had 5 wins and 1 loss I think he said to which I thought “Jeez this guy must be a decent player!”
He was playing Easterlings with I think Amdur, Mounted Capt, Warpriest and various warriors including pikemen, kataphrakts etc......
Now this is where I learnt a valuable lesson. After hearing about his success my mind was already working out tactics and ways to beat this guy who seemed to be on a roll so when he was reeling off different things about his army I wasn’t really paying attention, neither did I have a fallen realms source book to confirm all he was saying! (not that I thought Id need to as you kind of expect everyone else to game in an honest manner)
So the first of a few things which turned out to be completely fabricated were that Easterling phalanxes are the best in the game as even when 3 deep they cant ever be trapped! Which he took advantage of at least 5 or 6 times throughout the game, Id never heard of this but Id call myself an amateur at the hobby and know my rules knowledge isn’t the best with my own force never mind someone else’s so I just accepted it!
The next thing that happened which I did pull him on, was the fact that we were gaming on realm of battle boards where the tiles are exactly 24 inches square, now we were allowed to deploy 12” from our own board edge and the prize was central between two boards which meant we were both still 12” from the prize itself! So first move, Alec moves a Kataphrakt into base contact to the prize!!!!!
I enquired how this was possible and he said he’d measured it exactly and he could just make it with his 10” move! To which I explained the mathematics of us being 12” away so no matter what way he measured it he was wrong!!!! He assured me he was right to which I assured him he was wrong and it was only when I said lets ask someone he conceded and said he must have measured wrong!
Now even after that blatant attempt at cheating I still gave him the benefit of the doubt and continued to plan my approach.
I moved my knights up 2” away from the prize but I won priority the next turn to which he called a heroic move with Amdur to which I countered and won the roll off! And this is where the single most blatant insult of a cheat was born and was used throughout the game. He said to me that Amdur has a special rule where when he uses a point of might he gets to roll a d6 and on a 5+ the might is free! Now some of you will now be saying “well that so obviously not true surely you pulled him up on it?” Here’s my answer...... As I said before my rules knowledge isn’t great and I didn’t have a copy of his sourcebook to check plus the thought that someone would do that just to win a tabletop game just never entered my head, I believed him. He rolled a 5+ and continued to do so Id guess 85% of the time he used Amdurs might which was pretty much every turn.
So anyway I was first to the prize and I had it but with Amdurs new found rule and using free might to win fights and wound etc it wasn’t long till he took it from me. Now the game itself I wont go too much into as to me it was null and void but the rule breaking carried on throughout. He rolled dice purposely into other piles of dice or behind scenery and just picked them up before I had time to register his results and claiming he’d won fights or scored enough to inflict wounds etc. He was also measuring his move distance in straight lines through obstacles and other models which sometimes would end up in almost double the move allowance. Hed move all his models then go back to the ones he moved first and move them again!!!!! It got the point where I got sick of pulling him up constantly and the game became really unpleasant for me. I fought on though and in the end he only won because time was called and I was broken. Even with all the cheating he didn’t get the prize away from the battle.

Now to summarize this game and I’m not the kind of guy to take things too seriously but Id spent money and given up my time to come to this tournament and for someone to blatantly cheat I took it as a personal insult. It was only after the game when I was telling Thomas Macklin and Mertaal about the cheats Id pulled him on they told me the Amdur thing and the cant trap rule were lies and Mertaal shown me the sourcebook to prove it, I was fuming and confronted him in front of his pals to which he mumbled quietly some apology grabbed his things and made a sharp exit.
He was deducted a load of points but for me and probably most of the other guys he played it left a really black mark on an otherwise amazing weekend. The fact that someone would stoop to such lows just to win at a game of toys beggars belief for me. Its a shame and really he should of been disqualified and all his games should of went as wins for the opponents affected in my eyes.
I could go on for another three pages having a pop at him but Ill leave you all to make your mind up yourselves. Just make a note of his name and beware of him at the next tourney!!!!

So that was it that was my first Throne of Skulls and I can say it wont be my last. Awesome venue, awesome people (barring one), and just an overall great experience.
Now I look forward to Mr. OByrnes review as my memory is terrible and Iv probably missed loads of things out and his reviews are a cracking read (tips cap). Id like to thank everyone who played a part in it for me I wont remember everyone but James(both of em), Jamie, Damien, Toms (loads of Toms), Mertaal, Callum, Alastair, George and everyone else..........

The End ;)
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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:10 pm 

Joined: Wed May 08, 2013 12:49 pm
Posts: 161
You may have a bad memory, but you sure write a good report. Thank you!

Congratz on your great result. Sorry to hear about that last round opponent. I feel especially sorry for him, because he obviously doesn't know what this hobby is about.
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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:32 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Well done on your fun weekend. Shame one nub ruined your run of fun games.

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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:47 pm 
Elven Elder
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Wish I'd been there Steve to give that last fool a lesson or two as there's nothing I hate more than cheating (at anything) and I've got that particular sourcebook memorized. Glad you had a good time as a whole though

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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:36 pm 
Elven Warrior
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There are words for people like that guy Steve, but I won't lower the tone!

Great report. I also had a super time, and really pleased to hear so many people with similar experiences to my own: one knob head does not ruin a weekend!

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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:07 pm 
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Great read mate.

It's a shame you faced such a player in the last game, out of everyone who attended he was the only one to be docked points for not following the 'warrior's code' in which one of the rules is no cheating.

One of the great things about this community as a whole is that willingness to help each other (I've lost count of the places I've crashed, rides I've hitched and players who I've helped or who have helped me on the rules) and thanks to the surge in tournaments a lot more of us players are meeting and getting to know each other, some of us even establishing our little reputations.

This guy will be remembered next year as one to watch (if he attends) and I'm sure the refs will take a good note of what he gets up to, the players certainly will. Just imagine if he has to take on the flyer of fellbeasts, doubt he'd get many illicit rules calls there lol.

Anyhow, I am glad you had fun at this overall, from the sounds of it you did pretty well and had some really close games there.
Thanks for the lift down before hand. Really enjoyed reading through this, perhaps I can return the favour with a report on the action that happened at East Grinstead this weekend :)
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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:41 am 

Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:43 pm
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Really nice report pal, a thoroughly good read.

I too had the misfortune of playing against the Easterlings chappy, but rather than ranting about his faults, I thought I should mention he did say to me that he hadn't played since the rules change, so some things may have been different then (I don't know for sure as I never played them). Whilst this obviously doesn't excuse him for many of the things picked up on (I'm doubt the old rules allowed a two inch movement boon to seize an objective!) some may have been an honest mistake.

Either way, glad you had such a good time and thanks for joining our quiz team - your knowledge of Hobbit quotes is very impressive!

2014 Backlog Oath Taker; 2 pts
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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:28 am 
Elven Warrior
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Lol Tom your too nice matey!
I doubt it says anywhere to add 2" to your move if you can get away with it, it def doesn't say use diversions in your dice roles and lie about the results, nothing about creating your own rules for cheap heroes and definitely nothing about being a complete tool towards your opponent ;) lol
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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:31 am 
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Great Report Steve, was great to see you at ToS and that you did not let the guy spoil the event for you!

You could give the benefit of the doubt but from the sound of it he was trying all manner of shenanigans!

I personally also think he should have been disqualified and his opponents all given wins as he would have come second overall in his faction and could have actually altered who won the event itself, but by cheating to secure victory that could have tainted the whole event.
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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:09 pm 
Elven Elder
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ste271276 wrote:
Lol Tom your too nice matey!
I doubt it says anywhere to add 2" to your move if you can get away with it, it def doesn't say use diversions in your dice roles and lie about the results, nothing about creating your own rules for cheap heroes and definitely nothing about being a complete tool towards your opponent ;) lol

Absolutely right. None of the rules, since the very first edition of the game, have ever said any of the things this fool attempted.

He's lucky I wasnt there. I'd have smashed his minis

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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:43 pm 
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Great read as always Steve, thanks for taking the time to write it up, it was great to share a few beers with you over the weekend! :-)

Major_Tom wrote:
I personally also think he should have been disqualified and his opponents all given wins as he would have come second overall in his faction and could have actually altered who won the event itself.

He did! The fact that he was docked 10 points lowered his faction average and allowed James Long to win the event. If Alec had been awarded the 10 Warrior's Code points then Ed Ball would have won the event. Of course, if Alec hadn't been relentlessly cheating then he probably would have lost more games and so the faction average goes down again, butterfly effect and all that. Equally, if all 7 of his opponents were given wins that may well have changed their faction's average and changed the results from that end

Personally I can't understand why anyone would act the way he did. Blatant cheating to such a ridiculous degree to win a game of toy soldiers is quite frankly pathetic.

I think a lot of it comes down to him playing (no offence) players who A) aren't completely up on the rules and/or B) are wiling to let him bully his way to what he wants for a quiet life. No way he would've got away with that with me, if he wasn't showing me the dice he'd re-roll, if he was over measuring he'd move back, I'd get a ref involved. Like you say people have paid good money to be there and there's no way I'd let some cheating [word deleted] bully his way to victory. The worst part is if he plays 7 new players and they think that everyone's like him and never come to another event. What an absolute douche, glad I dodged him, sorry you didn't! :-)

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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:58 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Yeah, I was worried about addressing it in my report due to the chance of putting people off but I wanted to write a truthful report and even though this happened I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and I will 100% be there next year.
The reason he got away with it in our game was basically due to the fact that not in a million years would I expect that from another human being! Once I spoke to Mertaal and the Toms I addressed the situation with him and he bottled it and scarpered.
He was a young ish guy Id guess maybe 19 ish so then that could explain the immaturity to do it but on the same hand there where much younger players there who were twice the man he was. Iv messaged him on Facebook to give him the chance to tell his side but Iv heard nothing back.
Long story short this guy was a complete tool and as everyones said hes left a black mark for a handfull of us on an awesome event, but aswell as that like you said Damien how different could the final standing have been if he wasnt the tool weve realised and he played the game as it should have been?????
I could of won it!!!!!!! lol only kidding ;)
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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:16 am 
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tom_foolery wrote:
(I'm doubt the old rules allowed a two inch movement boon to seize an objective!)

He didn't use a Heroic March?

My opponent at Desolation of Stockport in the Seize the Prize game used a Heroic March with his Rivindell Knights & Captain to move something like 13" on Turn 1, surrounding the objective and cutting off my all-infantry Arnor army.

The game ended on Turn 3 without a single death on either side - I unhorsed a couple of his Knights but that was it. It was clear that he was going to win because his Knight was only two moves away from the board edge and I had nothing that could stop him so I conceded.

It was very well played. :yay:

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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:07 pm 
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alec fowler can go ishkrak thay on dothnul! also thanks for the ride to the hotel steve 8)

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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:59 am 
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He did! The fact that he was docked 10 points lowered his faction average and allowed James Long to win the event. If Alec had been awarded the 10 Warrior's Code points then Ed Ball would have won the event. Of course, if Alec hadn't been relentlessly cheating then he probably would have lost more games and so the faction average goes down again, butterfly effect and all that. Equally, if all 7 of his opponents were given wins that may well have changed their faction's average and changed the results from that end

Indeed - you said what I meant, except worded better :)

I wonder if he will be allowed to attend next year, I have not seen him at any other tournament but if he does attend I expect he will be under the microscope the entire time.

Like Steve I would probably be conscious of calling him out as it’s a big accusation, even if there were comments about him we don’t expect people to cheat since that just defeats any purpose in taking part – win or lose it’s a combination of skill and luck of the dice. I remember reading how someone in Australia got away with having loaded dice at several tournaments because people could just not believe he would stoop that low – until his dice were confiscated and tested.
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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:22 am 
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Steve I wouldn't worry about including it in your report, there are enough of us out there saying how great the tournament scene is to ensure that people aren't put off by one bad egg. In fact, the very fact that you did make such a big deal of it shows that it's a rare occurrence and that that kind of attitude is not tolerated at our events.

You would certainly hope he'd be banned, I've never heard of/seen him before so I don't think he's a regular.

I just don't understand the mentality of going to those levels to win. I get it with professional sport where there's fame and money at stake but toy soldiers? Really?

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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:24 am 
Elven Warrior
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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:41 am 
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Aye if anything Steve by mentioning it in this report and seeing how the community has responded should assure people that cheating isn't accepted and the regulars will always back you up if you have to face such a player.

Hopefully next year won't have that happen again. I doubt he would be banned but if he does attend you can rest assured that some of the old hands will form a white council to make sure any new players are made wary of his antics and the refs will also know to keep a closer eye on him.
It really is a shame that he managed to dodge some of us more experienced SBG players, I'd have loved to see him try and get away with anything VS Ed for example.

Anyhow, a year is a long time, perhaps he'll sort out his attitude by the next one if he does attend.

And for any new people out there who want to give the tourney scene a go, this dude is exceptional in that he was the only player there who was like this and the only person at any tournament this year (or even last year) who has acted like this. No one else was docked points or bent the rules during their games which for an event of 86+? people has got to be remarkable. Lotr has always amazed me when compared to 40k in terms of how little rules arguments there are (Not knocking 40k here but the tourneys I have attended have generally had a lot more moments of having to argue rules out with people).
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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:19 am 
Elven Warrior
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Ye this was the first time Iv ever came across these antics it is obviously very rare. And I wouldn't let this pit me off by a long chalk ;)
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 Post subject: Re: Throne of Skulls 2014 by Steve Crowe
PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:12 pm 
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Dr Grant wrote:
I just don't understand the mentality of going to those levels to win. I get it with professional sport where there's fame and money at stake but toy soldiers? Really?


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