The One Ring

Simple escalation campaign idea
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Author:  willc684 [ Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Simple escalation campaign idea

As stated above, this was an experiment which i tried with my girlfriend to form am easy, straightforward campaign that didnt take forever but also punished or gifted you for your performance in the previous clash. we themed ours around a war in Ithilien so had a Gondor/Feifdom Force against a Mordor/Rhun force. so far it has been really enjoyable and more engaging as every move has serious consequences because while trying to gain points for yourself, you also run the risk of giving points away if you cock up! i Recommend this game type to anyone to try and any feedback is greatly received.

-5 games total

-One low/mid-price hero (no more than 75 points)

-100 point starting army size (excluding hero)

-Each battle is last man standing! (starts as a possible clash of patrols)

-Each enemy warrior slain = +5 points to your next games total

-If main hero is slain roll a dice: 1=dead permanently. 2-3= seriously wounded, unavailable for the next 2 games. 4-5= wounded, unavailable for the next encounter. 6 weakened. Returns in the next game.

-At the start of each encounter roll d3 dice (123=1 456=2) to see how much might, will and fate is regained (this CAN exceed starting total)

-Armies are not considered broken until they are reduced to 10% of their original strength

-Winner of the majority of encounters has a final chance battle to kill the other leader and obtain MAJOR VICTORY, on the enemy leader escaping only a minor victory is achieved.

Standard bow limits apply, no war-band rules whatsoever, this is a skirmish start and a battle to finish.

-option to pull hero out of the battle as a cost of half your point earnings in that scenario.

Author:  Captain Andruil [ Sat Apr 05, 2014 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Simple escalation campaign idea

This looks great. Will definitely give it a go.

Author:  Captain Andruil [ Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Simple escalation campaign idea

Ok. I played this with a friend on the weekend, and a problem arose: The person who wins the first game then has an unfair advantage for each following battle as their army gets bigger and bigger. If there was a balancing countermeasure for the army with the least amount of points then that could even the scales.

Author:  mennorach [ Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Simple escalation campaign idea

This looks fun and I like the fact that you can pull your hero out if the situation become bad enough. I'm going to try something similar, once I get my friends playing again.

From experience I know that campaigns are very hard to balance. Most of the time the player who wins the first game then dominates the rest as the other player(s) try to play catch up. I know it seems counter-intuitive, but the player who lost will likely need the bonus more. Though a short enough campaign will solve the escalation-problem by finishing before it appears. Yours seems to work just fine in small scale.

Author:  willc684 [ Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Simple escalation campaign idea

Thanks for your feedback guys, admittedly I have experienced the same issues but it was still very enjoyable

Author:  Frêrin [ Thu Apr 24, 2014 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Simple escalation campaign idea

willc684 wrote:
-Each enemy warrior slain = +5 points to your next games total

I don't like this. Imagine I'd start with:

Erkenbrand on horse
4 Sons of Eorl
1 Royal Guard with throwing spear

An evil army will at least have twice as many models, so I can gain a lot more points to spend nect time.

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