The One Ring

My Home-made Fellowship
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Author:  Isilduhrr [ Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  My Home-made Fellowship

So I've decided to play through the Fellowship campaign, but to add a little homemade flavour I am going to invent the Fellowship members, backstories, some scenarios and storyline myself. Unfortunately i am not as creative or original as i pretend...... so I recruited the help of some of the greatest minds on the internet. they refused, so i'm stuck with you guys. :wink:
The Nine Walkers will of course once again be pitted against the Nine Riders, all of whom will be OC. I have three Hobbits, the Ringbearer and his noble champignons :frodo: :sam: :merry: , a dauntless Dwarf warrior :gimli: , two Rangers :aragorn: :legolas: whose power stretches back through their ancestors, a Numenorean champion :boromir , an exiled High Elf with questionable motives :elrond:, and a mysterious guide of whom few know, and fewer still will speak :gandalf: .......

The campaign will at the start follow the original storyline from the sourcebooks, but as the tale wears on our heroes may find themselves deviating ever more from the plan..... for example, the Rangers will take the place of Gildor Inglorion in the third scenario, and will follow the mini adventurers on their wayward path to Rivendell. The course of the story will alter, perhaps if my mysterious wizard can beat off the magic of Saruman for long enough, they will march the slopes of Caradhras instead of the long deep of Moria (in which case there will be attacks from mountain trolls and the birds of Saruman.)
The other characters in the books will remain for the most part as they are, if any of them make the cut to appear. i know when to stop messing with a good story.

Author:  Isilduhrr [ Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Home-made Fellowship

Round One
Wizard :gandalf:

Legend tells of the five Istari, Maia spirits sent by the Valar to protect the people of Middle-Earth. They watch and observe, and when necessary, they act, with great power and wisdom. But no one watched the watchers, and the treachery of Saruman highlighted the need for intervention. It is not known from whence (name) came, or where, but it is certain that his appearance speaks of grave threats to come.

F S D A W C M/W/ F
5 4 5 1 3 7 3/6*/3
Special Rules
*Staff of Power. This is a potent talisman. To represent his staff's power he can expend 1 point of Will each turn without reducing his own Will store.

Magical Powers
Terrifying Aura. 2+
Immobilise. 3+
Renew. 3+
Aura of Command. 2+
Divine Bolt. 12" 4+. Victim suffers a strength 9 hit. can be allocated to mount or rider.

High Elf Guide :elrond:
An exile of the elves for centuries, (name) returns from the Undying Lands to help the people of Middle-Earth in their hour of need. Bearing talismans of great power and wisdom from beyond the Western horizon, he is the greatest warrior of the Fellowship and an undepleting source of help and courage.
7 4 7 3 3 7 3/3/3
Special Rules
Legacy of the Undying. (name) re-rolls all failed Fate rolls and the Fate rolls of those in base contact with him.
(spear name). An heirloom of the race of Elves, with a white haft and a curved tip. the blade of this spear glows red from within, like the light of a furnace. Thought lost, (name) bears it proudly and wields it with dexterity. This is treated as a spear, but acts as a lance while on horseback. it also has the SpiritBane special rule. It confers Terror on the Bearer.

Author:  Isilduhrr [ Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Home-made Fellowship

Numenorean Captain
(name) comes to the council of Elrond on behalf of Lord Aragorn of Ithilien, and reports directly to him. but it is not on his orders that he volunteers to join the Fellowship, and as the Nine share trials and troubles and fight side-by-side, (name) begins to wonder where his true loyalties lie.
6 5 6 2 2 5 3/2/2
Special Rules
Like Family: the Fellowship may spend the M/W/F of (name) if he is within 3". He is also treated as a 3" banner for the Fellowship.

(name) means the name of that character. i haven't made any attempt at them yet. In this Alternate Universe Aragorn's gone Darkside and has brought civil war to Gondor.

Author:  MeatBoy1994 [ Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Home-made Fellowship

I wanna see the fake-boromir rules, I'm interested!

Author:  Isilduhrr [ Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Home-made Fellowship

Boromir will be portrayed in tgis as ruler of Mians Tirith, at reluctant war with the Ithilien Sovereignty. If

Author:  rigg1313 [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Home-made Fellowship

Your elfguide is just essentially Glorfindel then?
I like the Wizard.
The ranger however should only have defence 5 unless he is in heavy armour? And should have courage 6 like the other ranger leaders have (Halbarad, Arathorn).

Author:  Isilduhrr [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Home-made Fellowship

The Numenoreanand the pair of Rangers are different characters. The Numenorean wont arrive until the counvil of Elrond, whereas the Rangers will guide the hobbits to Rivendell instead of Aragorn. From there, the Elf will appear on horseback to carry the Ringbearer away from the Nazgul. No dashing Elf women for him this time!

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