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 Post subject: First Battle Report!
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:30 am 

Joined: Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:30 am
Posts: 132
So I managed to scrape together a game and wanted to share it with you guys! Unfortunately, I could not get pictures, since I have trouble uploading them, so its more of a battle overview rather then turn by turn. Also, having not built/obtained leaders yet, there was no warband deployment.

4 Iron Guard
5 Grim Hammers

4 Moria Goblins with Spear
4 Moria Goblins with Bows
4 Moria Goblins with Sword/Shield
2 Orcs with Hand Weapon/Shield
1 Orc with Spear

I was using a home made city ruins terrain board with Ruins of Osgiliath glued to it. The Dwarves took up defensive positions all around the ruins, while their snarling foes encircled the outside.

As the Evil forces began penetrating the ruins, a Grim Hammer up on the wall decided to jump down into action. However, he took a tumble and the fall crushed him. Meanwhile, a throwing axe finds itself lodged in the chest of a Goblin (noteworthy kill of the game). However, despite Dwarven troop quality, casualties began to mount in favor of Evil, and soon the remaining Dwarfs find themselves fighting 3-4 Orcs every turn; and Priority has been Evil since the second turn. But, as I scan the field for options, I notice an Iron Guard I had set to ambush ready to strike and I sent him straight into the fray. After some stalemated fighting and another Good casualty, the Dwarves win a crucial turn that breaks the back of the remaining Orcs (literally for an unlucky few). Each following turn the Evil numbers deflate until it comes down to a pair of Iron Guard and a Grim Hammer facing off against 3 Goblins; with a miraculous Good Priority, each Evil is finally slain, and the Dwarves know they can rest having defeated the attacking army.

I will say my luck was very bad through most of the game, but the Evil army did very well in the early stages. It was stupid of me not to see my hidden troop, but I am glad I did. It was a very fun match, and I can't wait to play again.

Any feedback is appreciated, thanks :)

Forlorn, I remove my Iron Guard from the pile of Goblins; just staring at that 6 with disbelief.
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 Post subject: Re: First Battle Report!
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 4:55 am 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
Posts: 1389
I think for the points the goblins should had more dwarves side you got like 115pts, evil you had like 78pts
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 Post subject: Re: First Battle Report!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:37 am 

Joined: Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:30 am
Posts: 132
Galanur wrote:
I think for the points the goblins should had more dwarves side you got like 115pts, evil you had like 78pts

Yeah :/ it was mostly because my friend was far superior to me in tactics and experience, but it should have been better balanced.

Forlorn, I remove my Iron Guard from the pile of Goblins; just staring at that 6 with disbelief.
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