The One Ring

Callum and Grandad - The Second Battle at the White Gate
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Author:  dadlamassu [ Mon Feb 27, 2017 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Callum and Grandad - The Second Battle at the White Gate

A week after the First Battle at the White Gate Callum wanted to try another battle with much the same forces on the same terrain. This time he decided to swap sides. This led to the SECOND Battle at the White Gate.

In our return match Grandad (Mordor) had to break through Callum's (Gondor) lines with at least two warbands at over 50% strength when they exited on the Gondor side of the table.

Grandad chose as many warbands as he could with the cheapest points value figures - quantity has a quality all its own!

And Callum chose a balanced force of infantry. (we have not mastered the cavalry rules yet).

Grandad's plan was simple - draw the enemy in to the centre and rush past on the flanks to win! Quite similar to Callum's plan last time.

Grandad's centre and left flank engage first led by the Vomitbelly the Expendable (he does not know what "expendable" means)


This time Callum's Gondor warbands fall for the trap!

Grandad's warbands in the centre die heroically! Vomitbelly The Expendable fights hard but to no avail.
But look at bottom right one of Grandad's warbands is sneaking round the Gondor lines.

Grandad's left flank runs into trouble.

Gondor shouts out, "Victory!" Vomitbelly dies never knowing what "expendable" means!

Only then does Callum realise that a whole warband has flanked him on the left and is racing for the base line and on the right the survivors (exactly 50%) of a warband are sneaking past as well.

Victory to Grandad! (for once). This time Callum had concentrated on killing Orcs Even thogh he killed nearly all Grandad's orcs in the centre forgot that he had stop or weaken all of the warbands.

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Tue Feb 28, 2017 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Callum and Grandad - The Second Battle at the White Gate

I hope you enjoyed your victory, Granddad. Callum is a smart cookie, he won't fall for that again. ;-)

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