The One Ring

Which army do you find the most fun to play?
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Author:  Useraxe [ Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Which army do you find the most fun to play?


I was just wondering what army you think is the most fun to play and why.

I really enjoy being evil, with the magic and trolls with hurl and rend. But I want to know why you enjoy your army. I can't seem to find another post with a similiar topic, hope we get alot of armies covered!


Author:  jdizzy001 [ Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which army do you find the most fun to play?

Grey Company of Arnor. I like these guys because I have tender feelings towards rangers and they break the bow limit rules with style. Plus, they have some of the coolest budget heroes (Heroes who cost less than 100 pts) such as arathorn, halbarad and malbeth to name just a few.

Author:  Useraxe [ Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which army do you find the most fun to play?

Great points!

Author:  Commissariat [ Thu Jun 23, 2016 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which army do you find the most fun to play?

The Shire, because going to war in aprons and straw hats is about the funniest thing to do to people. Having droves of hobbits stone entire armies to death is also quite hilarious.

The other would be the army that strikes you emotionally. Like jdizzy says, the army you find appealing is always the most fun. I find Shire to be fun because I love hobbits, but I also find Grey Company and Minas Tirith to be a lot of fun because I treat them like "Sharpe's Rifles" in attitude. Nothing is more glorious and satisfying in a game than your mortal men being valiantly led into battle against the horrors of Middle-Earth by another mortal man. (Hence why I first played Imperial Guard in 40k before moving to the pure fun of Orkz.)

Author:  a Hobbit [ Sun Jun 26, 2016 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which army do you find the most fun to play?

for me its the fellowship with elves, they utterly smash my opponent

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sun Jun 26, 2016 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which army do you find the most fun to play?

Just some quick sleepy thoughts late at night.

1-Mordor. I love wraiths, fell beasts, trolls, etc. But they also have my possible favorite troop in the game....the Morannon orc.
Fight 3 Defense 6 strength 4 furyable ha-ha and cheap. With shield and spear just under ten points.....damn.
2-Hobbits. I think they're hilarious and their ranged attack overall maybe be second to none.....that being said I've played them a lot and I've come to be sick of their defense. I don't care what people say about them being very competitive. When your opponents need 3-4 to wound you and you need sixes that don't come its very frustrating.
3-Hunter Orcs. This one is fun. I love how all their scenes just involve them charging the heck out of people. In my group most of the people know what the games gonna be like when I have hunter orcs. It's basically me saying hi while they try to hold off the onslaught.

Those are in no particular order. Most armies are fun to me when I just have very offensively strong troops hulking forward and my opponents are smothered. I'll further this reply in the future hopefully.

Author:  Useraxe [ Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which army do you find the most fun to play?

I have been wondering if I should pick up some Hunter Orcs. It sounds that they're awesome so I will probably go to GW and support my Hobbit hobby ;)

Author:  largonien [ Wed Jul 13, 2016 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which army do you find the most fun to play?

Actually, I think that you can have fun with each army, in the right situation. For instance, you may struggle a bit with Army of the Dead when fighting against wood elves, while it may be sooooo enjoyable against trolls, orcs and others ;)
I like the fact that you can shoot in combat with evil. It has brought some laugh around the battlefield each time an arrow miss its initial target :shock:

I've never played competitively but I've played :
- Dwarves : quite fun, I really like their "tank" attitude. I've always loved dwarves in Fantasy, the background and the rough behaviour :p :gimli:
Plus, in game, having a shieldwall advancing on the battlefield, and having the enemy asking the score to wound them with regular bows, then you're saying "heee, 6/4" and watching his face is soooo hilarous :p Then he shoots at your bowmen, and you say "you need a 6 to kill" :D

- Isengard : crossbows are enjoyable, but I find the army a bit boring and repetitive (when playing uruks) :s

- Mordor : so many possibilities. I always try new builds. You really can field what you want, and what you need ==> lot of fun with Necromancer (played once), Morannons, Wraith and blackguards, Kardush killing his own models...

- Harad : I've not played them a lot but I quite liked the style. Some unique abilities too (golden king for instance. I haven't played it yet but I've planned to do so quickly!!!)

- Minas Tirith : versatile. I like the fact that the opponent thinks "they're just men, they will lose" and then you prove he's wrong :p some good units (Denethor in game is a lot of fun with his special rule :p)

- High elves : same as uruks, strong but I think they're a bit repetitive

- Rohan : I've never played them well, so I don't like them for the moment :twisted:

I'd like to play hobbits, good monsters such as Treebeard (I've only played with Gwaihir once) and evil biiiiig monsters (dragon, gulhavar,...), or Moria with beasts (I think it can be quite enjoyable and a bit disturbing) :rofl:

Author:  Nevinsrip [ Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which army do you find the most fun to play?

Fiefdoms.....because so little is known of them, it gives you a wide latitude in representing the various fiefs when it come to figure choices.

Author:  LordElrond [ Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which army do you find the most fun to play?

I love high elves and Numenor most, but ultimately, what I find fun to play is something that I have put a lot of effort and thought into, whatever happens, whether I steamroller someone or get completely trashed. I always prefer to play as good, and love big heroes such as Aragorn or Gil-Galadriel or Isildur not just because the are good or just amusingly disobedient (as Isildur can sometimes be), but because of their importance and prestige in Middle-Earth. For me, it is the heroes that are fun, and as long as the rest of the army can act like a dam or a brick wall or whatever and not die, I don't care whether they're Rivendell elves or Numenoreans or Laketowners or a mixture. Sometimes "cheese" is required not to make an army overpowered, but to balance it so that it will not necessarily get smashed all the time. Just my 2 cents.

^Not very well explained, but you get the idea

Author:  Mrgunnar177 [ Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which army do you find the most fun to play?

For me it's either the fiefdoms or arnor for good. I like how in the fiefdom army each type of unit has a specific task or something that they are good at. It's good for planning. I love arnor cause of the background and the models.
I finally have all the models to run through the ruin of arnor sourcebook and will be going all out on it with custom boards and the like.
For evil the most fun would probably be Uruk hai for me. Strong army all around pretty forgiving and strong!

Author:  Steven bonnar [ Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which army do you find the most fun to play?

Dwarfs with minas tirith in support.

Author:  Spike117 [ Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which army do you find the most fun to play?

Nevinsrip wrote:
Fiefdoms.....because so little is known of them, it gives you a wide latitude in representing the various fiefs when it come to figure choices.

Do you happen to have the supplement for the old Fiefdoms? They have so many that didn't make it into the final cut, like the Hunters of Anaflas or Wardens of the Pelagir.

Author:  Scib [ Sat Aug 06, 2016 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which army do you find the most fun to play?

Elves, having the highest fight value troops is always nice. Strangely though I dont have an army of them currently

Author:  Kitsune 666 [ Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which army do you find the most fun to play?

Bad guys, because bad guys always have the most fun and options. I'm currently working on a mercenary orc project who will ruck with anyone if the pay is good enough. Will run a scenario at one point where I'll have them switch sides during the game as they've been paid to do so - that'll give a shock.

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