The One Ring

Womt are they bad at combat
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Author:  Karlhaldir2004 [ Fri Jul 02, 2004 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Womt are they bad at combat

when the siege of osgiliath begins and all the way through there are hardley any Womt winning combats apart from farimir and one warrior who punches an orc. :oops:

Author:  Gstormcrow [ Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

I thought that was a bit stupid in the film how they got slaughtered so badly. they are not bad fighters, it was just the way PJ portrayed them in that scene. Bad scene to judge their fighting skills on IMO

Author:  josiahtaylorrulz [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 4:02 pm ]
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you've also got to take into account the fact that they were overwelmed about 30-1 so they had a bad day so what................ they're actually not that bad, faramir was kind of a bit rubish fighting then if you ask me compared to what he can do, anyway the archers did quite alot of damage didnt they? i personally think that they were kind of cowardice but at the odds they were up against who can blame them?
pot joint

Author:  mordor_troll [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 4:48 pm ]
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i thought that when they were hiding behind the pilars they should of shot at the orcs to kill more. makes sense really.
Plus the let a few run past so they were surrounded straight away.

Author:  goblin_king [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 5:17 pm ]
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I was just thinking that. By the time it took gothmog to reach the place they could have shot them out because the orcs had no bows from what I saw.

Author:  pico [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 5:29 pm ]
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Either that or have some avenger bolt throwers to ship the boats. Just a thought... also could work well against the trolls that were hurling stones from the opposite side of the river.

Author:  mordor_troll [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 5:48 pm ]
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games workshop made up the avenger bolt thrower just for the game so that wouldnt of been possible.

Author:  pico [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 7:28 pm ]
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PJ makes up all sorts of stuff for the movies, so it would be possible. This whole post is on possibilities. Who would have thought it to be possible that the elves showed up at Helms Deep. Theoden even asked "Is this Possible?"

Author:  lotrchampion [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 8:32 pm ]
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Originally, Arwen was going to fight at Helm's Deep, because they anted to keep a connection between Aragorn and Arwen. But then they came up with the pyschic by that time they had trained the person playing Arwen in swordsmanship!!!! :lol:

Author:  -Faramir- [ Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:23 pm ]
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they are actually good fighters, they have good military backgrounds,, its just than when PJ portrays death he portrays alot of it, it makes a scene more dramatic.

Author:  DWARFLORD [ Sun Sep 12, 2004 3:33 am ]
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they werent @ good @ portrayed in the book, especially boromir he went down with more of a vengence in the book

Author:  Karlhaldir2004 [ Sun Feb 06, 2005 6:26 pm ]
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I just thought that when elrond said " then in men we will place our hope" pheraps it was a good job he did not see that before he spoke up HEHE :o

Author:  Gothmog Rulez! [ Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

i think they are weak!!
they were brave in the horse charge though

Author:  turgon of gondolin [ Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  womt

They were downright stupid in the horse charge!!!

1) they shouldnt have gone at all :roll:


2) they spread out in a big long line so they were a much easier target.
if they had stayed in a large block shape they would have lasted a little longer.

and what good would horses do in ogsilith? isnt there rubble everywhere so the horse wouldnt be able to move around that well.

Those above things show that the w.o.m.t can be downright rubbish at fighting sometimes.

Author:  Karlhaldir2004 [ Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:52 am ]
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i just kind of wish that they would hols their own against the orcs in osgilliath. :oops:

Author:  Tarondor [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:07 am ]
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This is my first post since coming back!
I have been gone for a more than a month venturing in the warhammer 40,000 universe and am now back!

Back on note, if we are talking about strategys i would get pikemen lined up by the docks with archers behind shooting at the orks then the pikemen/archers would move back and the WOMT would come in. Always affective.

And on WOMT, they are well trained, brave soldiers with amazing fighting skills. They were unprepared and outnumbered while fighting in a small area. Never good. Tolkien invisioned them as defenders of men and good being the knoblest of all human warriors. Though in the scene PJ wanted to show they are being out numbered and slaughtered...

- Tarondor

Author:  Lord Elekan [ Mon May 16, 2005 8:53 pm ]
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the womt were only portayed bad because they were outnumbered so heavilly and it was to show that they had no hope- thought they were cool when those trolls came in the gate wit their spear wall and archery + their trebuchets!

Author:  -Faramir- [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:39 am ]
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it was only because of how many orcs there were, outnumbered just like the jedi that fell in attack of the clones, there were so many droids that the jedi (amazing as they are) were slaughtered just like the gondorians in osgiliath, and in minas tirith they got killed because of the samme reasons, and more, lets face it if you saw ur best mates head fly past you and then your unbreakable door is smashed and you expect orcs but trolls come in first!!
and the gondorians could of withstood sarumans uruk hai seige.
so clearly gondorians are good warriors.

Author:  yorda [ Tue Jun 21, 2005 8:48 pm ]
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not to mention you have this big black thing flying round sounding like a broken diskman ripping people of walls and stuff.

and then you have your stuward tell you to flee and that your gonna die and stuff and then you think that rohan arent comming and theres loads of orks and stuff.

i would have SH|T myself!!!

Author:  LordofMoria [ Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:44 pm ]
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Anotherthign pretty mucha ll of the heros were dead. Boromir dead. Faramri almost dead taign hope away. Denathor trying to get killed. Gandalf busy with pippin up in that burning place savign faramir. Also the only reason they won thoguh was becaus eof gondor becaus ethe dead were once gondorians. And they saved the pelanor becaus ethe haradrim came as rohan wiped out a MASSIVE amoutn fo orcs

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