The One Ring

Funny and utterly epic moments in games you have played
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Author:  spuds4ever [ Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Funny and utterly epic moments in games you have played

One of the most epic moments for me was in an SBG game. Gil-galad was fighting single-handedly against a mumak whilst being surrounded by a horde of haradrim. He by himself inflicts 3 wounds on the mumak sending it on a rampage killing about a dozen haradrim before he eventually fell. Another was in the same game with the monkey twins, back to back, were also fighting against another horde of haradrim led by a hasharin. They killed at least 16 haradrim between them in about 3 or 4 turns as well as the hasharin. :D

A funny moment was when I was playing WotR against a begginer and he had the witch-king on fell-beast. He was casting spells randomly as he didn't understand the concept of magic and cast strength from corruption and rolled high, killing himself. :rofl:

Author:  Queen BerĂșthiel [ Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny and utterly epic moments in games you have played

One of my most epic moments in sbg was when one of my easterling warriors survived about 6 rounds of combat with an ent. He tied it up so it was basicly a waste of points. He even managed to wound it. After the first few rounds of combat my opponent became obsessed with killing him.

Author:  General Elessar [ Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny and utterly epic moments in games you have played

One of my first games in a GW was a scaled down version of Pelennor Fields. In one of the move phases, a Mumak trampled down about twenty guys and then was stopped by Pippin, which was pretty funny.

I had a pretty epic moment a few days ago in an SBG game. I lined up Prince Imrahil and six Knights of Dol Amroth, all mounted, and charged straight into a horde of Orcs. I slaughtered them, killing almost thirty in only a few turns. :twisted:

Author:  Mor-galad of Greenwood [ Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny and utterly epic moments in games you have played

I had a, "holy cow, did that really happen?!?!" epic moment when I lost Legolas and Galadriel in the same turn to failed courage tests. (Legolas rolled a 3, Protectress Galadriel a 2 w/ no will left.)

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny and utterly epic moments in games you have played

My first BIG SBG game was at a GW and I took all of my models (a baker's dozen of WoMT, half a dozen Warriors of Rohan, a WoMT Banner Bearer and a WoMT Captain with shield) and was lending a few to my friend (from that lot) and we were given a whole flank to deal with, on our own, against 30 Warg Riders (including Sharku and Gothmog on Warg), whereas the other flank got over 50 KoMT, 30+ Rohirrim and the Fellowship, as well as hordes of infantry, against: a few dozens goblins, a few orcs and a smattering of Uruk-hai.

Anyway, behind the gates (Evil were defending) were about 6 Trolls, Sauron, a Balrog and a Mumak. Gates opened on turn 1, Sauron came out surrounded by trolls, Aragorn moved forwards, then used a Heroic Move (or something) to get closer. Next turn, he got Compelled (or Transfixed or whichever spell I mean, lol) and was moved straight into combat and smashed to smithereens. Gandalf was killed (by shooting or magic or something) and, because the odds were ridiculous against Good, the GW staffers allowed us to replace him with Gandalf the White, but he had to wait a turn and enter from the back of the board. The Mumak was killed in that time and (for no logical reason), said it came on there too. It promptly flattened him and legged it up behind the troops on the right flank (with all of our cavalry) and ran riot.

Meanwhile, on my flank, we had 6 archers, 2 throwing weapons, 2 Rohan w/shields and my mini-shield wall (captain and banner, backed up by 4 WoMT w/shields and 5 w/spears and shields) and managed to hold the line with no casualties for 6 turns before we had to leave!

Author:  General Elessar [ Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny and utterly epic moments in games you have played

Mor-galad of Greenwood wrote:
I had a, "holy cow, did that really happen?!?!" epic moment when I lost Legolas and Galadriel in the same turn to failed courage tests. (Legolas rolled a 3, Protectress Galadriel a 2 w/ no will left.)

Lol :lol:

Author:  Dorthonion [ Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny and utterly epic moments in games you have played

Well not a LoTR game, but Epic WH40K.
I had huge armies and was able to provide enough for both sides to have something around 8000 points apiece (lots of Titans!). So, loads of tanks and artillery, hordes of troops. It began with manouvring and long range fire, then got a bit more closeup and personal. I would say that it was slightly in my favour (superior strategy and tactics, against lousy fortune with dice) when in came one of our dogs, who unleashed what could only be classed as a thermonuclear stench...
We all retreated outdoors in great haste. When the gas cloud had dispersed, we returned but discovered that no-one could remember whose turn it was... no wonder my mother christened him Phartacus.

Author:  Pinky Beecroft [ Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny and utterly epic moments in games you have played

@ Dorth... :rofl:

Author:  emperor_thompson [ Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny and utterly epic moments in games you have played

Rohan, under the leadership of Theoden and Eomer, were mustering a force to repel the Uruk-Hai raiders who were preparing to attack one of their villages. As the rohirrum charged the Uruk-Hai lines the battle quickly turned into a massacre. The Uruk-Hai held their ground against the Rohirrum's charge, slaughtering them as they tried to defend their land. Eomer was quickly surrounded and slain by the invaders, and within moments the Rohirrum were almost annihilated. Then, gathering the few Rohirrum infantry to survive the initial slaughter, Theoden led his troops in a desperate charge against the Uruk-Hai chieftain. After an epic duel Theoden slew the beast, and turned his attention against the rest of the Uruks. Disheartened by the loss of their leader, the Uruks began to flee in terror from the enraged king. While a few of the more determined orc-folk remained to try and retain their advantage, none could stand against Theoden's rage (though his men weren't so lucky). In the last moments of the battle, Theoden had managed to reduce the hoarde to only two of Saraman's most devout servants. However, exhausted by the extended battle, Theoden lost heart and began to flee (this was in the time of RotK, so those courage rules applied). After an extended chase, Theoden managed to kill one of his pursuers, before Saraman's bezerker put an end to his valorous struggle.

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