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 Post subject: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:19 am 
Elven Elder
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
The Half-Orcs or 'Orc Men' are what the film replaced with the idea that uruks were created from orcs and goblins. As said, the Feral Uruk-hai count for that, and there is abosutley no point to give an army two troop types which do the exact same job and are pretty much the same, its like having Morannon Orcs and Gundabad Blackshields in the same army.

Telchar wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
The Half-Orcs or 'Orc Men' are what the film replaced with the idea that uruks were created from orcs and goblins. As said, the Feral Uruk-hai count for that, and there is abosutley no point to give an army two troop types which do the exact same job and are pretty much the same, its like having Morannon Orcs and Gundabad Blackshields in the same army.

Well, my point isn't the Orc-men part, but the ferocious, mailclad, and armed with axes part. Ferals are ferocious, but they're not mail-clad or armed with axes (not to mention incredibly ugly, but that can be remedied), and in that case, Berserker, Wildmen and Dunlendings also do the same thing (hit hard and die fast), as does nearly all cavalry, and a lot of other units, so I'd say that's a bit of a moot point.

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
My point is that it does not matter what they are armed with or there would be a lot of other new units, dwarves with swords, haradrim with shields, (rohirrim with lances), easterlings with axes, beards and chariots (not Khandish!), mordor uruk-hai w clubs and shields (in WOTR), etc.

What matters is that they are represented, there is no need to re-represent them.
Telchar wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
My point is that it does not matter what they are armed with or there would be a lot of other new units, dwarves with swords, haradrim with shields, (rohirrim with lances), easterlings with axes, beards and chariots (not Khandish!), mordor uruk-hai w clubs and shields (in WOTR), etc.

There should be :-D (haradrim with shields are my Haradrim Guard, Rohirrim with lances are called Royal Knights, Easterlings I might make in the future, dwarves with swords wouln't have a different profile from the normal Dwarf Warriors, so that would just need some conversions. Actually, I have made one, after his axe snapped off, and I only had swords as replacement.)

Lord Hurin wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
'the company of Uruks who slew Theodred and nearly won the First Battle of the Fords of Isen' would be the Feral Uruk-hai, there's no need to give them a unit they already have, its pointless.

GW's depiction of them is the (stupid and pointless) Feral Uruks. Tolkien described "Orc-Men" armed with 2-handed axes. Apparently, these descriptions evolved into the Uruk Berzerkers for the films. I like the idea of an Uruk Scout unit with 2-handed axes. We saw a couple at Amon Hen in FoTR.

Telchar wrote:
Lord Hurin wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
'the company of Uruks who slew Theodred and nearly won the First Battle of the Fords of Isen' would be the Feral Uruk-hai, there's no need to give them a unit they already have, its pointless.

GW's depiction of them is the (stupid and pointless) Feral Uruks. Tolkien described "Orc-Men" armed with 2-handed axes. Apparently, these descriptions evolved into the Uruk Berzerkers for the films. I like the idea of an Uruk Scout unit with 2-handed axes. We saw a couple at Amon Hen in FoTR.

I agree with everything you say, especially the part in bold :)

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
The Elven Ballista seems nice. What is its pts value?

About Feral Uruks, as I'm no fan of Isngard, (I don't like an evil army that isn't under Sauron's command), I'm not bothered how themed they are, but if they already have a troop (no matter how bad), then there is no need to replicate it, unless you are even madder than I.

Telchar wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
The Elven Ballista seems nice. What is its pts value?

About Feral Uruks, as I'm no fan of Isngard, (I don't like an evil army that isn't under Sauron's command), I'm not bothered how themed they are, but if they already have a troop (no matter how bad), then there is no need to replicate it, unless you are even madder than I.

@#$%, forgot the points value.

Well, lets agree to disagree about the Ferals then... It's just, I hate the models, they aren't themed, and the rules mirror the models, so aren't themed either. But I see your point as well.

EDIT: On Isengard: Huge, violent troops that always go on and can be replaced in a matter of weeks? A wizard who can convince his mortal enemy to become his slave? Even huger, more violent creatures that have no purpose in life but to slaughter your enemies? What's not to like? BTW, they are under Sauron's command, only Saruman doesn't realize (or want to realize) it.

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
I agree to disagree. Also, Isengard Trolls are much worse than Feral Uruks so I don't know why they take all the attention.

Isengard are still puny. Mordor Uruks are better than Isengard ones (in the books, not gamewise). Saruman's trying to copy Sauron and then take credit for it as so many people think he did it first (and they're wrong). That and Saruman defied the Ringwraiths. Isengard are an awful, pathetic attempt at at being evil IMO.

Telchar wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
I agree to disagree. Also, Isengard Trolls are much worse than Feral Uruks so I don't know why they take all the attention.

Isengard are still puny. Mordor Uruks are better than Isengard ones (in the books, not gamewise). Saruman's trying to copy Sauron and then take credit for it as so many people think he did it first (and they're wrong). That and Saruman defied the Ringwraiths. Isengard are an awful, pathetic attempt at at being evil IMO.

Isengard trolls look good and the backstory makes sense, even if it isn't canon (Saruman used Moria goblins, moria goblins used trolls), while the Feral Uruks backstory makes no sense at all (if you've been tortured all your life by someone, and that someone says: "kill my enemy" are you going to do that.

I agree that Isengard is by far not as strong as Mordor and that Saruman is just taking credit for what he copied from Barad-Dûr, but the Isengard Uruks are better (Ugluks uruks slaughtered Grishnakh's). And what's wrong with defying Ringwraiths?

IM A ENT!!! wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
The Elven Ballista seems nice. What is its pts value?

About Feral Uruks, as I'm no fan of Isngard, (I don't like an evil army that isn't under Sauron's command), I'm not bothered how themed they are, but if they already have a troop (no matter how bad), then there is no need to replicate it, unless you are even madder than I.

but isengard is under command of suaron, suaron decived and threatend saruman to "make an army worthy of mordor".

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Isengard isn't under the command of Sauron, I'm an Ent, he doesn't say that in the book. Saruman serves Sauron's cause, but not Sauron himself.

The back story for Isengard trolls does nott make sense, the only trolls that a) wore armour and b) could march in the sun (like the host of Isengard did) were Olog-hai, which Tolkien specifically said were only found in the armies of Mordor and Mirkwood (even if Saruman captured some, they are bound to Sauron's will and cannot disoobey him).

And the Feral Uruk backstory does make sense. I presume you have never read the instruction for how to torture someone into your service. Lets take Saruman as the example. 1) Saruman imprisons the feral uruk-hai and tortures them, without directly revealing himself or name, by having Isengard Orcs do the torturing. 2) Every so often Saruman comes to the Feral Uruk in person, and reveals a small act of kindness, in between the acts of brutality. 3) repeat this process until you are ready, the Feral Uruks will hate the lesser Isengard Orc whilst deveoping loyalty towards Saruman. 4) Saruman releases the Uruk and allows him to kill the Orc torturing him 'out of kindness' 5) Saruman reveals them his name, tell them that those Orcs work for Rohan. 6) Set them loose on the Rohirrim and smile evilly.

Mordor Uruk look nice, and are led by the Ringwraiths. Speaking of which, they are awesome, and no high-ranking commander of Sauron should defy them and keep his head. The Ringwraiths are the awesome.

Telchar wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Isengard isn't under the command of Sauron, I'm an Ent, he doesn't say that in the book. Saruman serves Sauron's cause, but not Sauron himself.

The back story for Isengard trolls does nott make sense, the only trolls that a) wore armour and b) could march in the sun (like the host of Isengard did) were Olog-hai, which Tolkien specifically said were only found in the armies of Mordor and Mirkwood (even if Saruman captured some, they are bound to Sauron's will and cannot disoobey him).

And the Feral Uruk backstory does make sense. I presume you have never read the instruction for how to torture someone into your service. Lets take Saruman as th example. 1) Saruman imprison the feral uruk-hai and tortures them, without directly revealing himself or name, by having Isengard Orcs do the torturing. 2) Every so often Saruman comes to the Feral Uruk in person, and reveals a small act of knidness, in between the acts of brutality. 3) repeat this process until you are ready, the Feral Uruuks will hate the lesser Isengard Orc whilst deveoping loyalty towards Saruman. 4) Saruman releases the Uruk and allows him to kill the Orc torturing him 'out of kindness' 5) Saruman reveals themhis name, tell them that those Orcs work for Rohan. 6) Set them loose on the Rohirrim and smile evily.

Mordor Uruk look nice, and are led by the Ringwraiths. Speaking of which, they are awesome, and no high-ranking commander of Sauron should defy them and keep his head. The Ringwraiths are the awesome.

Why wouldn't a cave Troll be equipped with armour by Saruman. Keeps him alive longer, so he can kill more Rohirrim. And about the marching in the sun, thats probably why none were seen at Helm's Deep, but Saruman could have used them in other battles.

Hm, but why would Saruman do that. It sounds like a huge amount of work, and he might as well make them Berserkers, who do the same thing, but don't have to be tortured first.

I agree, Ringwraiths are Epic, but so is Legolas, and he shot a Wraith, so the one does not exclude the other.

I think we ought to make a "Does Isengard suck?" thread in Off Topic, because this will go on for a long time...

EDIT: I forgot to mention, Mordor Uruks don't look half as Epic with a capital E as Isengard Uruks.

And my answer to the above; in GW's'back story' for them ridici=ulous Insengard Trolls, GW say that they do turn up to Helms Deep and the Fords of Isengard, and thus those trolls are a paradox within themselves.

As for the really hard work for the Ferals, remember Saruman has gone mad, who knows who a mad man thinks? Bezerkers are cool too (well as cool as anything that pretends to be evil but only serves a second-rate madman can be.

Legolas does suck, because elves are almost as horrible as isengard, elves call themselves good guys yet they don't let their women go to war. peh

The best things in Isengard are Warg Riders and Dunledings. The former are awesome and also found all oveer Middle-earth, whilst the latter used to serve Sauron the Great.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"

Last edited by GothmogtheWerewolf on Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Does Isengard Suck? (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:03 am 
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Sorry but this is like an arguement i had when i was 12 about which LOTR faction was better..... I think to attempt to answer that question is pathetic in each self. Everyone has their own preferences but to actually universally brand a faction as "sucky or bad" is just childish.
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 Post subject: Re: Does Isengard Suck? (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:54 am 
Elven Warrior
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I agree with Sticky Fingers. First of all, alot of people in the discussion seem to take arguments from the movies. (Berserkers vs Feral?) I always imagined the feral uruks as some sort of experiment gone wrong. Saruman must've been experimenting alot. (He invented bombs...) Sure, gaming-wise they don't really differ from the berserkers, but If you don't like them, don't use them.

Also, Isengard isn't pathetic. There is some sense of a morale in the story, being that greed and lust for power make Saruman go 'mad', which makes him think he stands a chance against mordor when he's ready for it. Clearly he overestimated himself and underestimated his enemy.

The story is a little more sophisticated than "sucky or bad" as Sticky Fingers pointed out.

Sorry if I sound a little harsh, that's not my aim.:)

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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:53 pm 
Elven Elder
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Thank you for your opinions, I have changed the name of the thread to avoid this thread becoming what it was not meant to.

No one said Isengard was pathetic, I saisd i didn't like it and others disagree.

Thanks for your opinions on bezerkers and feral Amathadan. Also, it is your turn in the LOTR Quiz thread.

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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:46 pm 
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Thoughts on Isengard....

Well, first thought that pops into my mind is "They raided and butchered throughout the Westfold, muster the Rohirrim!" :lol: . As a LOTR faction, you can certainly see a moral to Isengard. Don't fight fire with fire, as the adage says (though its a rather sound tactic in fighting bush fires). Saruman saw the rising Darkness and tried to match it by creating a formidable realm of his own, but "The Dark Lord will not be mocked".

As for the Isengard faction in SBG and WotR, they are high on my "love-to-hate" list. In WotR, Isengard is the only faction that consistently defeated people in my gaming group (to this day, I have never seen a Isengard army lose). In SBG, they have become my nemesis as my normally-Gondorian opponent adapted to counter my change from Fallen Realms to Rohan. However, I have been successful in winning more frequently since we changed armies.

@Gothmog, I didn't even realize the elves didn't send their women to war because they all look about the same. :lol: As well, Dunland is the other faction that has become my nemesis, however Rohan has been doing well in crushing the barbarians at every turn.

- My miniature gaming blog, sorry for lack of LOTR content right now.
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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:25 pm 
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Ok, GW's idea of Isengard Trolls sucks. So what? That doesn't mean the Isengard Trolls suck. GW's Orc Trackers also suck, and so does the Mahud background and the Troll Chief and Gulavhar and...

Saruman hasn't gone mad, he turned to evil yes (though you wouldn't class that as mad...) and is obsessed with attaining power, yes, but he is still very calculating and cunning. He wouldn't waste precous rescources that might be vital to his war (as you would when creating Ferals), instead of using them to the utmost.

Well, you class anything good as "sucks", so I won't even start the 'yes-no discussion' there.

What's wrong with the Uruk-Hai. Warg Riders are weak and redundant, and Dunlendings never served Sauron. They just fling themselves at Rohans throat at every opportunity.

@ sticky fingersss and Amarthadan. Well, you might not care, but then why are you here?

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:09 pm 
Elven Elder
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@WUTM, I still beleive Isengard is a mockery of true evil, concerning elves, look at their chests, thats how you tell. :) and dunledings are pretty cool, i feel sorry for the 'rightful owners' of Rohan who your horsemen keep mocking after they 'stole' their land. ( ' ' for political reasons :) ) May I ask you ask why is Rohan you're fave, just curious.

@Telchar, Isengard Trolls suck because they are not Olog-hai or Angmar trolls IMO. Saruman has gone mad, most villains have, including Sauron and Morgoth but madness does not equate whether they are awesome or not. Saruman did go 'mad with power'. Why wouldn't he waste resources, he made many mistakes? I just don't like Isengard Uruk-hai because Mordor Uruk-hai appeared first and I like them more, and I hate it when people either say that Sauron copied Saruman, or (even worse) that Sauron doesn't have any. That is the reason I don't like Isengard Uruks. Warg Riders aren't weak and redundant, they're awesome, it is the beasts and monsters of middle-earth that are responsibe for me liking lotr in the 1st place (it was wargs, mumakil and fell beasts mainly). The Dunledings did ally with Sauron's forces in the second age (i can't remember when, or even if it was Sauron's Orcs or Easterlings). Also, Orc Trackers and Mahud do not suuck IMO, Mahud ride camels and camels are awesome, and Orc trackers are passable. :)

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:17 am 
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Why is Rohan my favorite faction? Hmmm... Honestly, I'm not sure how to answer this question. I guess the best way to explain is that I can relate to them better than the other realms. I also have a interesting trend of liking cavalry-centric cultures. Sorry if it's not a particularly clear explanation.

- My miniature gaming blog, sorry for lack of LOTR content right now.
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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:55 am 
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@Telchar, I'm here to express my opinion of why I think branding something as "sucks" is childish.
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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:37 am 
Elven Warrior
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@ Telchar: I think I put enough effort in my opinion to validate my comment. :)

No hard feelings buddy. ;)

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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:16 pm 
Elven Elder
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WayUnderTheMountain wrote:
Why is Rohan my favorite faction? Hmmm... Honestly, I'm not sure how to answer this question. I guess the best way to explain is that I can relate to them better than the other realms. I also have a interesting trend of liking cavalry-centric cultures. Sorry if it's not a particularly clear explanation.

I think that makes sense, you like races who centre aroung cavalry? I kind of felt sorry for Rohirrim in the film, as the Gondorians didn't treat them that well.

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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:57 pm 
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Yeah, but people in the real world are pretty bad for treating others badly, including people that could be considered close friends and allies. Been there, experienced that. Cavalry inspires me though I'm more of an archer personally.

- My miniature gaming blog, sorry for lack of LOTR content right now.
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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:47 pm 
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
@WUTM, I still beleive Isengard is a mockery of true evil, concerning elves, look at their chests, thats how you tell. :) and dunledings are pretty cool, i feel sorry for the 'rightful owners' of Rohan who your horsemen keep mocking after they 'stole' their land. ( ' ' for political reasons :) ) May I ask you ask why is Rohan you're fave, just curious.

@Telchar, Isengard Trolls suck because they are not Olog-hai or Angmar trolls IMO. Saruman has gone mad, most villains have, including Sauron and Morgoth but madness does not equate whether they are awesome or not. Saruman did go 'mad with power'. Why wouldn't he waste resources, he made many mistakes? I just don't like Isengard Uruk-hai because Mordor Uruk-hai appeared first and I like them more, and I hate it when people either say that Sauron copied Saruman, or (even worse) that Sauron doesn't have any. That is the reason I don't like Isengard Uruks. Warg Riders aren't weak and redundant, they're awesome, it is the beasts and monsters of middle-earth that are responsibe for me liking lotr in the 1st place (it was wargs, mumakil and fell beasts mainly). The Dunledings did ally with Sauron's forces in the second age (i can't remember when, or even if it was Sauron's Orcs or Easterlings). Also, Orc Trackers and Mahud do not suuck IMO, Mahud ride camels and camels are awesome, and Orc trackers are passable. :)

Cave Trolls are neither of these. And you forgot the standard Mountain Trolls of Mordor, and the First Age Trolls (though those do suck, they got splattered by a single man). He made many mistakes, but not that kind of mistakes. He overestimated his own power, and his ability to control himself, and his ability to control the Ring, and many more things, but he did not waste respources, and I don't think he would. I agree, people who claim Sauron copied Saruman haven't quite got their facts right, but that's not an argument against Isengard Uruks. Read the Hobbit, and you'll see why Wargs are redundant. The other monsters are awesome though. They didn't ally with Sauron, their ancestors fought against Numenor when the Numenoreans began terrorizing them. Orc Trackers are passable, GW's depiction of them is not. Mahud are ugly, painted men posing for Half Trolls but not being them. The camels have nothing to do with them, and I wouldn't consider camels awesome anyway.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
-On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings

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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:05 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Telchar wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
@WUTM, I still beleive Isengard is a mockery of true evil, concerning elves, look at their chests, thats how you tell. :) and dunledings are pretty cool, i feel sorry for the 'rightful owners' of Rohan who your horsemen keep mocking after they 'stole' their land. ( ' ' for political reasons :) ) May I ask you ask why is Rohan you're fave, just curious.

@Telchar, Isengard Trolls suck because they are not Olog-hai or Angmar trolls IMO. Saruman has gone mad, most villains have, including Sauron and Morgoth but madness does not equate whether they are awesome or not. Saruman did go 'mad with power'. Why wouldn't he waste resources, he made many mistakes? I just don't like Isengard Uruk-hai because Mordor Uruk-hai appeared first and I like them more, and I hate it when people either say that Sauron copied Saruman, or (even worse) that Sauron doesn't have any. That is the reason I don't like Isengard Uruks. Warg Riders aren't weak and redundant, they're awesome, it is the beasts and monsters of middle-earth that are responsibe for me liking lotr in the 1st place (it was wargs, mumakil and fell beasts mainly). The Dunledings did ally with Sauron's forces in the second age (i can't remember when, or even if it was Sauron's Orcs or Easterlings). Also, Orc Trackers and Mahud do not suuck IMO, Mahud ride camels and camels are awesome, and Orc trackers are passable. :)

Cave Trolls are neither of these. And you forgot the standard Mountain Trolls of Mordor, and the First Age Trolls (though those do suck, they got splattered by a single man). He made many mistakes, but not that kind of mistakes. He overestimated his own power, and his ability to control himself, and his ability to control the Ring, and many more things, but he did not waste respources, and I don't think he would. I agree, people who claim Sauron copied Saruman haven't quite got their facts right, but that's not an argument against Isengard Uruks. Read the Hobbit, and you'll see why Wargs are redundant. The other monsters are awesome though. They didn't ally with Sauron, their ancestors fought against Numenor when the Numenoreans began terrorizing them. Orc Trackers are passable, GW's depiction of them is not. Mahud are ugly, painted men posing for Half Trolls but not being them. The camels have nothing to do with them, and I wouldn't consider camels awesome anyway.

What's so bad about GW depiction of trackers? :)

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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:20 pm 
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Amarthadan wrote:
Telchar wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
@WUTM, I still beleive Isengard is a mockery of true evil, concerning elves, look at their chests, thats how you tell. :) and dunledings are pretty cool, i feel sorry for the 'rightful owners' of Rohan who your horsemen keep mocking after they 'stole' their land. ( ' ' for political reasons :) ) May I ask you ask why is Rohan you're fave, just curious.

@Telchar, Isengard Trolls suck because they are not Olog-hai or Angmar trolls IMO. Saruman has gone mad, most villains have, including Sauron and Morgoth but madness does not equate whether they are awesome or not. Saruman did go 'mad with power'. Why wouldn't he waste resources, he made many mistakes? I just don't like Isengard Uruk-hai because Mordor Uruk-hai appeared first and I like them more, and I hate it when people either say that Sauron copied Saruman, or (even worse) that Sauron doesn't have any. That is the reason I don't like Isengard Uruks. Warg Riders aren't weak and redundant, they're awesome, it is the beasts and monsters of middle-earth that are responsibe for me liking lotr in the 1st place (it was wargs, mumakil and fell beasts mainly). The Dunledings did ally with Sauron's forces in the second age (i can't remember when, or even if it was Sauron's Orcs or Easterlings). Also, Orc Trackers and Mahud do not suuck IMO, Mahud ride camels and camels are awesome, and Orc trackers are passable. :)

Cave Trolls are neither of these. And you forgot the standard Mountain Trolls of Mordor, and the First Age Trolls (though those do suck, they got splattered by a single man). He made many mistakes, but not that kind of mistakes. He overestimated his own power, and his ability to control himself, and his ability to control the Ring, and many more things, but he did not waste respources, and I don't think he would. I agree, people who claim Sauron copied Saruman haven't quite got their facts right, but that's not an argument against Isengard Uruks. Read the Hobbit, and you'll see why Wargs are redundant. The other monsters are awesome though. They didn't ally with Sauron, their ancestors fought against Numenor when the Numenoreans began terrorizing them. Orc Trackers are passable, GW's depiction of them is not. Mahud are ugly, painted men posing for Half Trolls but not being them. The camels have nothing to do with them, and I wouldn't consider camels awesome anyway.

What's so bad about GW depiction of trackers? :)

I can't really say. It's just the skin, the way they shoot their bows (if you fire like that, you ARE going to miss), the bows themselves, everything.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
-On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings

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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 1:17 am 
Elven Elder
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Telchar wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
@WUTM, I still beleive Isengard is a mockery of true evil, concerning elves, look at their chests, thats how you tell. :) and dunledings are pretty cool, i feel sorry for the 'rightful owners' of Rohan who your horsemen keep mocking after they 'stole' their land. ( ' ' for political reasons :) ) May I ask you ask why is Rohan you're fave, just curious.

@Telchar, Isengard Trolls suck because they are not Olog-hai or Angmar trolls IMO. Saruman has gone mad, most villains have, including Sauron and Morgoth but madness does not equate whether they are awesome or not. Saruman did go 'mad with power'. Why wouldn't he waste resources, he made many mistakes? I just don't like Isengard Uruk-hai because Mordor Uruk-hai appeared first and I like them more, and I hate it when people either say that Sauron copied Saruman, or (even worse) that Sauron doesn't have any. That is the reason I don't like Isengard Uruks. Warg Riders aren't weak and redundant, they're awesome, it is the beasts and monsters of middle-earth that are responsibe for me liking lotr in the 1st place (it was wargs, mumakil and fell beasts mainly). The Dunledings did ally with Sauron's forces in the second age (i can't remember when, or even if it was Sauron's Orcs or Easterlings). Also, Orc Trackers and Mahud do not suuck IMO, Mahud ride camels and camels are awesome, and Orc trackers are passable. :)

Cave Trolls are neither of these. And you forgot the standard Mountain Trolls of Mordor, and the First Age Trolls (though those do suck, they got splattered by a single man). He made many mistakes, but not that kind of mistakes. He overestimated his own power, and his ability to control himself, and his ability to control the Ring, and many more things, but he did not waste respources, and I don't think he would. I agree, people who claim Sauron copied Saruman haven't quite got their facts right, but that's not an argument against Isengard Uruks. Read the Hobbit, and you'll see why Wargs are redundant. The other monsters are awesome though. They didn't ally with Sauron, their ancestors fought against Numenor when the Numenoreans began terrorizing them. Orc Trackers are passable, GW's depiction of them is not. Mahud are ugly, painted men posing for Half Trolls but not being them. The camels have nothing to do with them, and I wouldn't consider camels awesome anyway.

Mountain Trolls of Mordor appear from their description to also be Olog-hai, but I'm guessing on that. If Saru,man was evil enough for me to like then he would torture them just for the fun of it but Christopher Lee is very good in the films, and it is only his portrayal that even makes me consider Saruman, as he wasn't the best in the books in my opinion. I have read the Hobbit, and it doesn't make Wargs redundant, just because Gandalf set fire to their Chief's nose doesn't make them bad, it only makes Gandalf better. If you are sure on the Dunledings, I will accept you, even thouf=gh I could have sworn they did ally with some Evil Men in the second age who were in Sauron's thrall in the 3rd age. Orc Trackers look good, only one of the three variants is actually shooting with his bow and that one is holding it ok, the other two aren't trying to shoot so should not be considered. Mahud are a good idea (one of the few GW had), they are plausable (except for the shields and the bare skin), they aren't posing as half trolls, they're representing 'normal' men who originate from the same place as the Half Trolls, you are not telling me that you think there are no 'normal' humans down there. Camels are to do with them because they ride them, and camels look awesome.

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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:31 pm 
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You simply can't fire a bow with your elbow above your hand, try it. There would be men down there, but these would be normal Haradrim, not screaming, half naked (in the bloody desert, they'd get burned in half a day), idiots

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
-On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings

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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:10 am 
Elven Elder
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I see but with the trackers I think the eejits (I mean designers) just wanted to have them hold their bows differently however ilogical, also Orcs aren't humans, so although it would not be possible for a human to fire a bow like that, who knows, maybe an Orc can?

Concerning the Mahud, first, whats wrong with them screaming. Secondly I have qualm about the eejits (you know who I mean) making them show all that bare skin, and about them having shields as they would burn. The Mahud would be less likely to have shields than the normal Haradrim, which Tolkien for some reason said should have, and the Jackson decided it wouldn't be good. The bare skin is also silly. however, I do not think they would be 'normal' Haradrim, if you notice real life tribe cultures you'll notice the many variations, the 'Mahud' would obviously have better common sense than GW's idea but they would not be the same as the near Haradrim, firstky they'd have darker skin, and their resources would difdfer a little too thus affecting their appearance, they would also have other cultural differences too, so although GW were eejits when it came to their design, they did get one part right, the fact that there would be some major differences.

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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:21 pm 
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I agree that the Mahud would be darker skinned but it makes sense that Mahud would be half-naked. The African tribal warriors fought like that for centuries and it worked for them.

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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on Isengard (split from Extra Units Thread)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:56 pm 
Elven Elder
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Interesting, but remember they didn't live in a desert.

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