The One Ring

TGN Awards 2011
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Author:  Dagorlad [ Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  TGN Awards 2011

Tabletop Gaming News ( is running a vote for the best releases of 2011. There are a number of categories to vote in - fantasy, sci-fi, historical, etc.

Unfortunately no LOTR made into there this year (not surprising, but I expect a better result for 2012 with all the new releases this year), but there are some great minis that deserve a vote - if you are so inclined.

Some of my favourites are Antenociti Workshop's vehicles, the SEAL Team 6 minis from Eureka (sculpted by a friend of mine) and the Merchant's House from Tabletop World. None of eBob's minis made it in there either, but I know he has some stunning things up his sleeve for this year, so fingers crossed for 2012.

If'n you want to cast your vote for the best Historical mini, I won't actually ask you to vote for SEAL Team 6, because that would be unethical and unfair and stuff, but my friend Kosta would like it. :oops:

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