I love the eagles... and at £15 a head, they are like the cave troll years ago. However, the whole flavour of the film, leaves an insipid taste in my mouth. I really hate the films, and a lot of the designs are completely the opposite to my imagining. Azog is a cool concept poorly executed, the model is too small for starters and very underwhelming. Beorn...horrible models the 3 of them... facial hair, lack of muscle definition, 80s hair cut and boots. Goblins are ok... their king is a very boring model as far as I am concerned. HUnter orcs remind me of a bunch of poorly hairstyled bodybuilders on partially flayed wolves. Rivendell knights: cool models, lovely detail I could do with owning some. However the captain model is reminiscent of an old prune facially. Spiders, lovely design, great models, not buying them though, big squishy targets that cost a fortune in every sense also because in FC. Thorin .co not interested, the models/designs lack character and more importantly... Facial hair. Erebor dwarves,grimhamers... nice enough models Mounted Elrond... bleurk, something rubs me the wrong way here. White council, saruman, has an odd poorly proportioned head, Garadriel looks like Catherine Tate, good gandalf though. Elrond has a well sculpted face, but unnatural/awkward pose. palace guard look like pears laketown are ok, but don't really fit into the range... at all, same goes really for the dalesmen Legolas, looks chunky and ill as if he had just prolapsed. Taurial looks pretty nice until you reach the face. HAte thranduil... LOved the old metal version, way closer to my imagining. Mirkwood rangers look fantastic. LIke the trolls, but I have enough trolls as is. Girion looks great. Bard should be the only important character in the hobbit NOT to have facial hair. that moustache is ridiculous Gundabads, are nice enough, but severly hampered by lack of variety pose wise