agincourt777, i have a question.
for your galadhrim armour, do you just wash it in gyphronne sephia then devlan mud after that?
i do use a very similar scheme.
for armour, i paint several thin layers of shining gold, followed by gryphonne sepia, then devlan mud. i then drybrush it 50:50 chainmail and shining gold and give it a further wash of gryphonne sepia followed by devlan mud.
it sounds long and complex but if you paint them in a batch it doen't take long at all. as you can see, i don't bother going over every plate with a highlight, i just use a drybrush and then a wash to blend it together again.
also, can you tell me where you put these black lines(recent replies in this thread), and when do you put them in, after of before the washes?
after reading the comments, this seems to be a technique i have used without knowing. i suppose all i do is work off a black undercoat and leave very thin lines between different areas rather than paint them in.
as for where to do it, i would say only between completely separate 'things' eg between armour, cloak, hair, and skin rather than seperate plates on armour or between strands of hair. here definition will be added with a shade or wash.
i hope i haven't explained that too badly.
whilst on the subject of elves, does anybody think that i should pay £90 for 72 galadhrim infantry, 18 knights, 18 GotGC, 2 galadhrim captains, 24 wood elves, and white council? its a lot of money i know, but in the long run i could save quite a bit. i am stuck.