Unreleased miniatures - taken from my old thread (
Peter Jackson Hobbit
Uruk-Hai Scout Captain w/Two-Handed Weapon
Olog Hai
Barrow Wights
4th Morgul Stalker
Discontinued Miniatures -4th Mordor Uruk-HaiFront rank, far right.
Also on the rear line, 3rd from left.
4th Mahud Warrior
Discontinued Boxed Sets - Attack at Weathertop (some minis now available in other sets)
Breaking of the Fellowship
Fall of the Witch-King
Heroes of Helms Deep (some minis now available in other sets)
Defenders of Rohan
Captured by Gondor
Escape from Orthanc
Heroes of the West
Barrow Downs
The White Council
Metal Warg Riders
Metal Balrog
Metal Ent
Metal Nazgul
Metal Haradrim Raiders
Metal Knights of Gondor
Metal Morgul Knights
Metal Mordor Troll
Metal Isengard Troll
Metal Witch King on Fell Beast
Metal Army of the Dead
Helms Deep
Minas Tirith
Dunedain of the North (which included Gildor Inglorien)
Discontinued Blisters - Metal Lothlorien Wood Elves with Bows
Metal Galadhrim Elves with Swords
Metal Galadhrim Elves with Bows
Metal Morrannon Orcs
Metal Mordor Orcs
Haldir Unarmoured
Haldir Armoured (with bow)
Metal Uruk-Hai Scouts
Kings of Men
Lurtz 3rd Pose (with outstretched arm firing bow forwards)
Lobelia Sackville Baggins
Metal Mounted Swan Knights
Mounted Swan Knight Captain & Banner Bearer
Rohan Royal Guard Banner Bearer
Saruman with Palantir
Arwen on foot (first release)
Frodo, Sam & Gollum (Mount Doom)
Merry, Pippin & Grishnakh
Halbarad (first Release)
Boromir Captain of the white Tower with Banner
Gothmog on foot & mounted (old Version)
Shagrat (old Version)
Limited Edition Miniatures - Invisible Frodo
Invisible Frodo Footprints Base
Rohan Captain (part of the Rohan Army Boxed Set)
This list is a WIP!!!!! I will add more to the list when I have time, I will aim to have a complete list. If you notice anything that is wrong or have anything you wish to add to the list straight away, just post a reply. I will also work on adding images of everything eventually in an attempt to create a nice little resource for hard to find LOTR minis.