The One Ring

Converting mini's
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Author:  ScarpeIron [ Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Converting mini's

1st let me say if this is posted in the wrong section, sorry.

Ok. What I want to do is convert High Elves into some cavalry. I searched the data base and couldn't find anything on the subject. I'm sure its been done before. So what I'm asking is for tips and advice..what pitfalls to avoid. The rules (SBG/WoTR) would follow those of existing elven cavalry but retaining the High Elf stat line (just gaining the bonus and increase cost). I'm going to use the WoR cavalry bottoms and the tops of the High Elf warriors (both archers and glaive'rs will be used). Just needing a few, about 6-8 for flare. I'll see how much effort/time it takes and go from there. Also, even if High Elves can be cavalry in WoTR.

The 2nd conversion on the table is making the Guardians of the Carrock, and I'm kinda of at a lose. I am thinking of using the Wild Men of Dunland men and green-stuff to make em ...thicker. Though thats if I win the lottery. The only other option I can see is, once again going to the WoR and doing the same to them. Using greenstuff to increase their girth and possibly lengthen their legs. Its too bad that all the WoR have helms on.

look forward to hear what y'all have to say. Thanks

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