The One Ring

How to straighten weapons and staffs?
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Author:  HeavySoul [ Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  How to straighten weapons and staffs?

Title says it all really. I have a few metal miniatures with slightly bent/twisted weapons or staffs. Do you have any tips on how to straighten them without a) breaking them and b) leaving them looking wavy (~)?

Author:  Eaothen-the-brave [ Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to straighten weapons and staffs?

about the 'looking wavy' part I can't help, but as far as I know it helps a lot if you 'warm' the piece up for a moment (holding it in your hand for a while). It should be easier that way to bent it back, I don't know if that's correct, but that's what've been told to me, hope this helps a little. (:

Author:  Angularity [ Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to straighten weapons and staffs?

You need a pair of pliers that are as wide as the spear part you need to straighten. Any narrower, and you get the wavy effect. And whenever you can, change it for a piece of wire with a suitable spearhead.

Author:  HeavySoul [ Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to straighten weapons and staffs?

Thanks guys. Its a Gandalf Minus Tirith figure, the sword isn't too bad but the staff is severely bent. I guess I could try and replace it with a piece of wire but I'm try to avoid it.

Author:  Eaothen-the-brave [ Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to straighten weapons and staffs?

oh the one with his sword helding up? I know that one yes, I don't have it but I could help you. as Angularity suggested you could use wire for it. Buy a hobby drill (I bougth GW since I couldn't find a cheaper one, but you could find them in a hobby- or do-it-yourselfshop). If you buy GW you'll get 6 spare pieces for drilling of 1 mm thick each. you could buy smaller ones in the shops I just said (oh well, in the ones I visited you can) but the ones of 1 mm will be ok for the staff. once you got a drill, cut of the piece you want to replace, in this case the staff, once cut off, you drill a hole in the middle of the hand. If you've done that take some wire (a paperclip for example) and mesure it about the same length of the staff. Also cut of the staff's head and drill a hole in it too. Note: don't make the mistake as I did, drill through the weapon :P

once you got the wire off the right lengt, glue it inside the hole in the mini's hand and once you're happy with it let it dry so it can't move if you attach the head. If done correclty you'll normally have a nice new, unwavy staff. But I suggest to try it on some other minis first if you 've never used it before. I know what I'm talking about :oops: just got my drill for like a week now :P

Hope this helps, good luck with it!

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