The One Ring

not very good at painting
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Author:  D0Cdeath [ Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  not very good at painting

just wondered if anyone could proved me with a few links and some advice on how to paint WOMT to a decent standard as mine always end up looking rubbish

Author:  Elland [ Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: not very good at painting

check GWs site and use Google to search.

Author:  TheBucklandBrewer [ Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: not very good at painting

We have a few excellent articles for them aswell in our "Tomes of Wisdom" (tag in menubar top right on forum-pages):

- Warriors of Minas-Tirith by Tidoco
- Warriors of Minas-Tirith by Keyser Soze

Hope they help!

I'll read through them aswell, since I'm working on 20 of those guys myself, and also struggle to get it right...

Author:  D0Cdeath [ Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: not very good at painting

Thanks for the links very helpful , although the first one is a bit out of my league at the minute :oops:

Author:  Pindergorn [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: not very good at painting

-undercoat black.
-drybrush whole model Boltgun Metal.
-dry brush " chainmail, focusing on raised areas e.g. chainmail, edges of armour plates etc.
-touch up non-metal areas with chaos black.
-paint face with Tallarn flesh, then wash with devlan mud.
-paint leather (straps, scabbard, quiver etc) & wood with scorched brown. Then highlight with bestial brown.
-(if black cloth) paint adeptus battlegrey. wash with badab black. highlight with codex grey.

-then base to personal tastes.

e.g. All my recent LotR & 40K models are given an urban wasteland theme. e.g. the abandoned cities of Fornost & Osgiliath, and your typical 40K city.

-"stain" sand using a liberal coat of Black Ink or moderately thinned down chaos black - enough to make it runny but still keep its coverage. (Black Ink is no longer available unfortunately).
-drybrush sand using codex grey.
-drybrush fortress grey.
-light drybrush bleached bone.
-then I set a few small patches of PVA over the sand and sprinkle Citadel (GW) Dead Grass - the yellow grass flock.

If I was doing a typical green fields base, then I'd use brown ink/scorched brown to stain the sand. Drybrush with graveyard earth, then bleached bone. Then I'd pick one of the healthier looking grass varieties (standard & glade grass).

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: not very good at painting

TheBucklandBrewer wrote:
- Warriors of Minas-Tirith by Keyser Soze

This is the article I found most helpful when I was painting some of my own. Tims' article is fantastic too, but it requires a lot more painting talent than I have to pull off, whereas this article provides you with a much simpler way of getting an equally fantastic final result (especially if you want to paint a large number of them).

Author:  IM A ENT!!! [ Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: not very good at painting

D0Cdeath wrote:
Thanks for the links very helpful , although the first one is a bit out of my league at the minute :oops:

Hahah out of your league, buddy your not the only one, me too. those models looked very nice so whoever painted em nice job your a great painter.

gosh imagine like a bunch of em in SBG or a few companies in WOTR they would look increadable.

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