The One Ring

Stronger CA glue bond and fast setting.
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Author:  kidterminal [ Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Stronger CA glue bond and fast setting.

Hello One Ringers I'd like to let you in on a technique I use to assemble multi-part figures, which don't fit together that well. You know what I'm talking about, gaps between the contact surfaces and glue joints that are difficult to hold/clamp while waiting for the glue to dry. When you need a stronger than normal bond or you need your CA glue to dry quickly and some baking soda to it. That's right common household baking soda is a CA glue accelerant. Put a little on your hobby knife blade and add it to your glue joint. You'll see the CA glue thicken right away. Try not to use too much, it won't damage the glues hold, but the glue surface will be a little rough in texture. You would then have some cutting/filing to do. I've been using this for 20 years and it works great.

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