The One Ring

Need Help!!
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Author:  Men of the East [ Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Need Help!!

Hey everybody im not really a noob when it comes to painting I have been doing it for a few years now and tried something new today :(

It was of couse purity seal, I spent the last few weeks paiting my army and have previously had chipping problems. after spraying my army I noticed all my figures metals lost their shine and some of my figures have gone almsot completly white (apparently known as frosting) and need some information on how to solve this problem by either removing the purity seal or reversing the effect of 'frosting' PLZ help :shock:

Author:  Purplesounds [ Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need Help!!

Easy fix. Trust me I've painted a whole tournament 40k army going for best painted and cleared it the day before the event and the whole army frosted. Sometimes its humidity that causes it sometimes it can actually just be a bad can of paint. Either way the solution is easy. Spray the models with gloss clear coat and then respray them with flat clear coat again. I would recommend not using the same can. I personally use Taymias spray model paints. However Mr Hobby and Testors are just as good. Also a note on clearing whole armies or large quantities of models, it's best to flat clear small patches of models (say 5 to 8 ) at a time. Some times if you have like 30 models out and are trying to do them all at once over spray will get on some that have already been coated and create a dust layer on top of the coat you already have. I've never seen a case of this that couldn't be fixed by this method. I wish you luck.

Author:  Men of the East [ Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need Help!!

thank you so much for the info, trying it out now,

PS will ardcoat (gloss varnish) be fine as the gloss varnsih you mentioned?

-I tried it out on my first movement tray and managed to save 2/8 figures, only because they were mainly armoured but the cloth was unfixable. Is there any other methods or do I need to use paint remover and start again

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