The One Ring

Hasharin no longer available.
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Author:  Pindergorn [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Hasharin no longer available.

Noticed this quite a while but have only just got round to caring. As far as I know, all the Hasharin models released by GW are no longer available from GW. Does anyone know why this is? Do think these models will be brought back in finecast? And do you know where these models can still be found? (if at all).

I much prefer the latest model (first image, below) which I think was released around the time of the Harad sourcebook. I don't actually play Haradrim, and I have no plans to start in the near future (though I would like to). But these Hasharin models are definately ones which I could not possibly do without should I ever choose to start a Haradrim collection, so I'd like to get them while I still can. (I suppose I've got the Collector's bug).

Oh, and would anyone know a suitable person at GW to contact over this sort of query? (i.e. would it be worthwhile emailing the Whats New Today Blog for their input?).


Author:  Phoenix1986 [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

I use the second one as Dalamyr in my Harad army.

I got mine from Ebay he was a deagostini model

never seen the first one on ebay, but it may be released again who knows

Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

I like the original Harashin (2nd pic), the 1st one always looked too bulky and cubic/geaometric to me.

Author:  MeatBoy1994 [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

Sacrilege83 wrote:
I like the original Harashin (2nd pic), the 1st one always looked too bulky and cubic/geaometric to me.

Me too, I think the first one always looks a bit gay.

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

I never understood how the first one's weapon was supposed to be used.

Author:  Pindergorn [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

Sacrilege83 wrote:
I like the original Harashin (2nd pic), the 1st one always looked too bulky and cubic/geaometric to me.

MeatBoy1994 wrote:
Me too, I think the first one always looks a bit gay.

Really? :? I think the older one is a very static and boring pose, and the newer one is a more fluid and dynamic pose. I also don't like the fancy outfit on the old model, looks too posh for an assassin.

Draugluin wrote:
I never understood how the first one's weapon was supposed to be used.

I assume an overhead stab.

Author:  Rangefinder [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

I have both of these models. And between the two, the 2nd (old) pose is the best.
His blade is very cool, and the robes (IMHO) are much cooler than the 1st (new).

It would be nice to find out what is happening with this model.

Author:  simmuskhan [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

MeatBoy1994 wrote:
Sacrilege83 wrote:
I like the original Harashin (2nd pic), the 1st one always looked too bulky and cubic/geaometric to me.

Me too, I think the first one always looks a bit gay.

I'm not sure what sexual preference has to do with killing.

I like both, nice to have different models to choose from and I hope they release both again!

Author:  Rangefinder [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

+1 and +1 simmuskhan.

Author:  Chris GoM [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

I have two of the second one :D (got my first one when they were £4, the second at £6/7 :D)
There's something about the latest one that doesn't look right, not sure what though

King Ondoher wrote:
I assume an overhead stab.
Not very discrete though :P

EDIT: could be the way they've painted his legs, they look square :roll:

Author:  cereal_theif [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

Where are you based?

Author:  Pindergorn [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

cereal_theif wrote:
Where are you based?

me? UK.

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

Like Ondoher said, the old one is too fancy to be an assassin, and looks a lot more gay than the new one. The new one looks like it's jumping out of the shadows (although that would depend on the paint job) and is just about to kill someone.

Author:  theavenger001 [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

To me the old one is better. And, if you're an assasin, you're getting paid a lot to kill some select people, so most assasin's would tend to be rich (er). Also, all that fancy gold stuff on his clothes is freehand (I believe) so the actual figure could be painted up to not look rich. The new one's pose just looks awkward and blocky, and I don't think an assasin would ever be in that pose...

Check out Haldir_pl's hasharin out. It's the old pose, but it doesn't look like some super rich guy to me....

Author:  Pindergorn [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

Draugluin wrote:
Like Ondoher said, the old one is too fancy to be an assassin, and looks a lot more gay than the new one. The new one looks like it's jumping out of the shadows (although that would depend on the paint job) and is just about to kill someone.

Or rather, a whirlwind of death, twirling his blade and making mincemeat of his opponents. :-D The newer model to me seems to emody the Preternatural Rule (?), which stops him being trapped when standing.

theavenger001 wrote:
To me the old one is better. And, if you're an assasin, you're getting paid a lot to kill some select people, so most assasin's would tend to be rich (er). Also, all that fancy gold stuff on his clothes is freehand (I believe) so the actual figure could be painted up to not look rich. The new one's pose just looks awkward and blocky, and I don't think an assasin would ever be in that pose...

Yes I agree, it is blocky but I prefer that pose because its more fluid and mobile than the old one which is standing still.

theavenger001 wrote:
Check out Haldir_pl's hasharin out. It's the old pose, but it doesn't look like some super rich guy to me....

Its personal preference really. I think of assassins as blending into the shadows and striking without warning. All that bling doesn't seem to me to be appropriate attire for someone who wants to remain inconspicous (imagine if Altair had worn lots of bling :rofl: ).

Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

Hey Avenger, nice to see you have a face finally! And I hope the gay community members here don't mind the word "gay" being tossed around as a negative adjective! After all the original definition is "happy", so some here believe that one assassin is much happier than the other. But enough on political correctness for now... (that's something hard to manage)

Avenger is right, you can't take the paint scheme into account for liking or disliking a model. It all comes down to the sculpt and the original assassin only has a few ornaments & badges attached on him. The more recent assassin (1st) is lunging for the kill whereas the original (2nd) more suggest lurking behind cover getting ready to strike and his free hand is covering himself with his cloak (who does that when they're already engage in combat?)

So Chris GoM thinks there's something wrong and Theavenger and I agree that the 1st pic assassin is blocky. Has nothing to do with the paint job, just look at the garbs. The edges of the original looks more fluid, curvy and natural. But it's all subjective in the end. Also the weapon of the 2nd looks like a scythe a bit.

Author:  Pindergorn [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

Sacrilege83 wrote:
Avenger is right, you can't take the paint scheme into account for liking or disliking a model. It all comes down to the sculpt and the original assassin only has a few ornaments & badges attached on him.

I wasn't aware that so much of the gold bling and jewels were down to free hand painting. I like the original model much in Haldir_pl's understated colour scheme. The newer one is still my favourite though...

Sacrilege83 wrote:
The more recent assassin (1st) is lunging for the kill

...for this reason.

Sacrilege83 wrote:
So Chris GoM thinks there's something wrong and Theavenger and I agree that the 1st pic assassin is blocky. Has nothing to do with the paint job, just look at the garbs. The edges of the original looks more fluid, curvy and natural. But it's all subjective in the end. Also the weapon of the 2nd looks like a scythe a bit.

I agree, the sculpting on the original is better quality. Its the pose which I like about the new one. But anyway, I will probably get both eventually.

Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hasharin no longer available.

On the sculpting, it's not only that assassin that seems blocky but others as well that came out at the later end. You look at Mauhur the Uruk-hai, Wolfsbane, Chubby Faramir on horse, + some others, they all look blocky. It makes it hard for me to believe that it's the Perry Bros that sculpt the more recent. Perry bros. being the ones who have been sculpting for Lotr since the beginning along with a few others I think.

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