The One Ring

Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies
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Author:  polywags [ Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies

So name says it all. I like to run a Mirkwood list, Thranduil, Legolas, Tauriel, ect with several Guards of the Galadrim Court which I have been proxying with the new DOS Palace guard models. I've taken the old list Thranduil from the Free Peoples book and he is leading the guards as well as wood elf warriors with spears. I've been watching the GBHL videos, specifically the Palantir, which I am really enjoying by the way, and peoples feelings about proxies. I have two questions, first being would any of you object to this use of proxying? No one I've played has so far but I play pretty casually with only a few people. Second, one of the point brought up in the video was "proxying" through conversion is generally less fronded upon, such as the Grim hammers to warriors of Erebor conversion, which I feel is a very similar situation to my. I have taken the old list because I like the profiles of those models more but I have the DOS Thranduil model and I like the look of the DOS elves much more then the older models, but I don't feel like there are any conversion I could make to the Palace guards to make them more distinct or better suited to fir the Galadrim since they have the same war gear.

Thanks and cheers,

PS: I am not 100% this is the appropriate forum so if it isn't apologies and I can move it!

Author:  J.R. [ Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies

Well I understand you like te mini's :) but you main question is which proxy's. Well I know galadhrim court guard are not cheaply found but they are worth it. If you want to proxy I would use regular plastic galadrim and convert their weapons to pikes.

Converting the mirkwood palace guard heads can also work. The ebob knight heads could make a wonderfull conversion.. (but i have not tryed it yet..)

Author:  Pindergorn [ Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies

Regarding proxies, the important thing is that you use a suitably similar alternative to represent the unit to ensure that your opponent is not confused. In this case that wouldn't work - you'd need to make a lot of alterations to the Mirkwood Palace Guards to make them look like the Galadhrim Court Guards.

Converted Galadhrim would work best I think.

Author:  polywags [ Wed Oct 15, 2014 6:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies

I am not so much asking how to convert them or even plan on doing so, I am more asking whether the community at large would be against that proxy. The whole point is I am saying I like the palace guard model and the court guard profile and I think the models look very similar, gear wise at least. It seems a little silly to put a palace guard head on a court guard since they basically look the same anyways, different armor and cloaks yes but armor cloaks and pikes all the same. I used the example of the grim hammers to warriors of erebor conversion as an example since all that takes it a weapon swap + shield but the guards both have the same gear to start with. Again, I am not so much looking advice just curious how other people feel about it.



Author:  NarsilReforged [ Wed Oct 15, 2014 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies

I'd rather play against the proper models for the proper profiles but I wouldn't turn down a game from someone using proxies in a similar fashion to you.

Author:  JamesR [ Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies

I'm not a fan of proxies while the original models are still widely available, in this instance I don't think the Palace Guard look anything like the Guards of the Galadrhim Court. Saying "their Wargear is similar" isn't enough for me.
By that logic I'll run my 90 Moria Goblins as Uruk Hai to save on money. Which ruins the look of the game IMO.

That being said, if you don't field any Palace Guard as palace guard, I'd probably allow it, the one thing is still ask if I were your opponent is you at least paint them in such a way that they fit with your Galadrhim do it's easier to mentally keep up with

Author:  Greenwoodthegreat [ Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies

I was thinking of converting Galadhrim Warriors in to Galadhrim court with a Mirkwood feel. First is a head swap for Last Alliance elves head, Then green stuff a cloth mask covering the mouth. For the pike I was going to use the Morgul Knights lances with the top cut off and swapped with the palace guard spear head.

Then instead of the leather look I normally paint the Galadhrim warrior armour I intend to paint them with gold armour this with give them a elite look.

I have to agree that if you not going to use the original model you need to put some effort in to converting. I think people are more will to accept it when you have a lovingly converted model that fits in to a themed force.

Author:  Erunion [ Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies

I would say that the opportunity for confusion would be too great. You are running Thranduil's Halls and Mirkwood in the same list, and proxying models from one as models from another. It would be too difficult to keep it straight, methinks. Also, this falls under the idea discussed in the video that "I'm doing this to get an in-game benefit" (i.e. using a better profile).

That said, I am generally all for proxying, especially if you find miniatures from another manufacturer that fits your idea of Middle-earth better. However, in those cases, there is less confusion because there is not an existing profile for that miniature.

Author:  polywags [ Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies

Yeah all true. I guess I would argue though, for arguments sake, that if converting a grim hammer to warrior of erebor by swapping the hammers to a axes or say converting the grim hammers to Khazad guard it would be to give them a more erebory feel but use the older lists stronger profile. I guess I feel like that is the same but there just ins't any war gear conversion to be made for the palace guards. This also is really the conclusion of their chat, that its all a on grey scale and everything subjective, but I guess I am just trying to justify how I play, but this doesn't seem any different. Like I said at the start though, I appreciate the input and I am mostly just curious. I'd like to play the game in the right way. I have the Court guard models as well and I'd certainly be happy to take them with and to swap them out if it bothered anyone but that's where it starts to ruin the cinematic quality for me. Seems silly for DOS Thranduil to lead the obviously Lothlorien Guard of the Galadrim Court, despite being the same list and all they're obviously different forces with different aesthetics. Its definitely fair as well to say I could just play an all DOS force but that isn't really my idea of SBG wood elves either. I dunno all, confusing stuff. Thanks again for the chatter.


Author:  JamesR [ Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies

The problem IMO with the Grimmhammers comparison is Grimmhammers cannot take spears and shields while both guards have pole-arms. The Khazad Guard reference was again for a purely aesthetic but the weapons are again swapped

Author:  Da Great MC [ Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies

I recently payed some good money for 12 metal Guards of the Galadhrim Court. I believe they are beautiful models.

If you showed up in my club, I'd play against you and offer you to use my models.

If you'd insist on using your own, I'd still allow it.

If you'd show up at a tournament, Id probably object against proxies. I'd still offer you my models though.

Author:  polywags [ Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies

Da Great MC wrote:
I recently payed some good money for 12 metal Guards of the Galadhrim Court. I believe they are beautiful models.

If you showed up in my club, I'd play against you and offer you to use my models.

If you'd insist on using your own, I'd still allow it.

If you'd show up at a tournament, Id probably object against proxies. I'd still offer you my models though.

Well I appreciate it lol but I do have the Galadrim models and I guess I will bring them along when I go to play. I see and totally understand everyones objections. I can see where it could be confusing and it would be frustrating to mis play or something because someone thought it was a different model. Also, it isn't that I don't like models, they're nice enough, it just looks a little silly, I think, to have the clearly Lothlorien models being led by Thranduil.

I guess I just find it frustrating that a little weapon swap makes it a cool conversion on the dwarves but a similar situation for the new mirkwood models, where a weapon swap isn't really possible, is a bummer proxy :/

Author:  Hands_Hammerhelm [ Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies

I'd be up for it so long as you are consistent. I.E. every palace guard counts as a galadrhim court guard, and you aren't using any as palace guard. I'd go with it bescause it makes enough to me and wouldn't cause confusion once you've explained it.

Author:  Hirumith, the Grey Knight [ Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guard of the Galadrim Court Palace guard proxies

I'm in the "as long as you're consistent" camp. If you tell me at the beginning of the game that all of the palace guard models will be run with the Galadhrim Court profiles, I'm perfectly able to keep up with that. It's a very simple swap.

If it's a case of "these palace guard models count as Galadhrim Court guards, and these ones over here count as palace guards," then I think you need to have some very clear way of indicating which is which. I'm not saying you can't do it, or even that the Galadhrim Court guards have to be heavily converted, but as your opponent, I need to be able to tell at a glance which is which. In this case, as a courtesy I think you should also provide your opponent with a quick reference guide to which is which, even just a little notecard that has the identifying mark and each profile written on it.

If you'll be playing in a tournament then it's not up to your opponent, so you're better off checking with the tournament organizers.

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