The One Ring

Arnor Conversions
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Author:  Nevinsrip [ Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Arnor Conversions

Besides Minas Tirth warriors are there any other figures that would work as converted Arnor forces?

Any Historical minis that you could use with some modification? Especially the headgear, as I imagine making the rope thing around the helmet would be a colossal pain in the ass to make with green stuff.

Any suggestions at all?

Author:  Lord of Winterfell [ Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arnor Conversions

In terms of using other LOTR mini's...I suppose you could use Numenor soldiers.

Back in the day Arnor was ruled by Elendil & 'Numenorians' anyway.

If you want them to look different, use different paint schemes...or file away the white tree motif on the shields and paint the Arnor star?

In terms of Non GW mini's I'd use a mix of crusades age miniatures...not only do they look cool...but they have a range of command, foot & cavalry...armour & weapons...that you could use in creating your own look.


Author:  daersalon [ Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arnor Conversions

This is a subject close to my heart, as I am working on an Arnor faction. I can't add any specific help on alternatives which are similar to the existing GW ones, besides the fact that I had a box of the Perry bros plastics 1400s mercenaries (previous poster included a link to the Perry site), and noticed that a couple of the spare 'heads' had that sort of wrapped cloth banding on the helm. So they might be a less heavy armoured option than crusaders, but only a few of those heads are in each set...

I am looking to convert WoMT. As I have a large box full of the fellows gathering dust. I may green stuff the bands, as it might be as simple as rolling out two long thin 'sausages' of green stuff, then twisting, then cutting to fit and placing on the helmet (filed down to round). Or if that is too much maybe make one head from some master and cast it in resin and just head swap them :)

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