The One Ring

Concerning super glue and green stuff
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Author:  Lhosseth [ Wed Dec 03, 2014 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Concerning super glue and green stuff

So I understood the combo of superglue with some green stuff added is a good way to glue things together. Seems reasonable since I've had similar results with epoxyglue and superglue and I understood green stuff just is a kind of epoxy.

But anyone who has any experience with this?

- Do I apply lots of green stuff, or little? And how much is that more precisely?
- Same for superglue
- Does it dry right away or will it need some time before it sets very well.

As for the green stuff...I have here some from GW and noticed...
The blue part is a lot smaller than the yellow. It's almost 1/3 blue, 2/3 yellow. Now when mixing epoxy, I know it's important to mix equal values of both components. Is this any different here?

Author:  Sithious [ Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Concerning super glue and green stuff

Citadel Green stuff is always off center. Yes you are supposed to have a 50/50 but it will still work as is. Some sculptors mix in Milliput yellow/grey as well to green stuff as it sets harder yet easier to work with (opinions may vary).

As for mixing with glue to set a stubborn joint (assuming a larger metal model?) I have used green stuff in a small amount to give the parts some tack and then applied super glue as anyone would (thin layer) and put together. It works pretty good as the GS will have enough tack to hold the parts together while the glue sets up. Super Glue's set/cure to 80% max after only a few minutes, yet you should leave the parts to set over night if you can or a few hours if impatient. I know Set time for GS can be sped up by using low W light bulbs (like a 25-30 in a coffee tin) but I have not done this with super glue joints. Most joints should be Pinned in place and this normally is sufficient and should be attempted first before jumping to a Green stuff glue mix.

At least this is my experience over many years now.

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Concerning super glue and green stuff

You dont *need* to use super glue with green stuff, but I have. I green stuff everything into plce, then superglue it down. It works. My last project, i just used greenstuff. It worked too.

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