The One Ring

It's me
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Author:  hollowcrown [ Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  It's me

Decided I'd do an introduction thread since I hang around here fairly often over the past week.

Hi I'm Lyle and I'm from Essex, based around the Billericay area but I also am doing a Chemistry masters at UEA in Norwich so I'm around there for the majority of the time. Just turned 22.

I used to be on TLA back in the day, as ElessarTheGreat until it had serious problems. Then teenage life caught up with me, money issues etc. and I was priced out of the hobby only to take up guitar and get more interest with girls etc.

Finally with a stable girlfriend, new found interest in art, semi-financial stability and finishing my degree on the horizon I've decided to try to get back into this as a side thing. I still love Lord of the Rings and am trying to pick up some bargains on eBay to fill the holes in my small collection and repaint everything for leisure.

I'd be up for a game at any time if anyone in Essex/Norfolk wants one but I don't have any minis in a playable state so yeah.


Author:  Red Corsairs [ Wed Jan 08, 2014 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: It's me

Hello and welcome to the One Ring. I look forward to seeing you around and hope you enjoy your stay. Nice place Norwich, was there this weekend just passed in fact.

Author:  Constantine [ Wed Jan 08, 2014 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: It's me

Welcome back to the hobby. This forum is great for instilling its members with motivation!

As for your sidetracking, I think it's beyond reproach hehe.

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