The One Ring

Greetings from Frankfurt, Germany.
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Author:  Malnox [ Thu Aug 26, 2021 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Greetings from Frankfurt, Germany.

Greetings from Frankfurt, Germany.
After starting my wargaming career several years ago with Warhammer Fantasy I finally picked up Middle Earth SBG as my new project since it is inreasingly played in my local gaming community.
After stop playing Warhammer Fantasy for obvious reasons I ventured into Infinity by Corvus Belli, which I played competitivly for about 4 years.
Due to Covid-19 and the lack of local players I decided to give it a break.
With the re-start of tabletop gaming at our gaming club and associated with it a newly started project to "resurrect" older systems I have started to pick up MESBG (and Warmaster later on).
Currently I am expanding my forces of Angmar and already had my first game.
So, many thanks for the admission to your community.
Cheers Oliver

Author:  Asgarod [ Fri Aug 27, 2021 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from Frankfurt, Germany.

Welcome! =)

Nice to see that still slowly but steadily new people arrive here^^

Although german speaking, I am sadly not really near Hamburg (i am from near Austria, near Vienna) or i would have enjoyed pitting my Numenoreans against your Angmar force^^"

Author:  DaveT [ Fri Aug 27, 2021 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from Frankfurt, Germany.

I'm not German and only know a couple of words in the language... but welcome anyway! :)

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