The One Ring

GW Portsmouth.. 27th Aug
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Author:  eBob [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  GW Portsmouth.. 27th Aug

The board is set, the pieces are moving...

Myself and Commander_cool are set to play at 1:30pm in the GW store in Commercial Road Portsmouth on Wesndesday 27th.

If any other Portsmouth players would like to come along to observe, or bring an army and play, we'd be happy to see you there. Perhaps we could even organise a doubles game.


Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

So wish I could go and meet the infamous 'Ebob' :D

Goodluck to the both of you and bring us back a battle report

Author:  eBob [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Rescheduled for Thursday now. 28th.

Author:  eBob [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, as it turned out Commander Cool and I did redezvous this afternoon - and battle was had.

We played two games, I won the first and CC won the second. Can't say fairer than that!

Having seen the Taskmaster and drummer in a combat context, I must say I have my doubts about them. The drummer is only useful for 2 turns. He does allow you to charge infantry across the table - which would be handy if you were facing a hail of bow fire - but once combat ensues on turn 3 - he's pretty much redundant and 40 points worth.

With regards the Taskmaster, its fair to say that CC didn't make any heroic actions in the second game so we didn't really see if he did have any benefits.

Author:  Commander_cool [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Battle sure was had!

At first, Bob's 50 strong army of Warg Riders and Orcs and Shelob defeated my 18 Rohirrim, led by a Captain, mounted Éomer and mounted King Élessar - in reality Aragorn was more of a burden than a benefit. I am now less inclined to use him in an army, because while Andúril was useful in helping slay Shelob (the first wounds Bob's Shelob has ever suffered!), the huge huge points cost would equate to about 20 Riders of Rohan. In hindsight that would have been a far better use of resources. The game though was to secure an objective (Frodo Sam and Gollum's night camp), and in my attempt to slow the tide of Warg Riders (there were literally as many as those that attack the Rohirrim in the middle of the TTT movie), I had few soldiers left to go after the main objective - and they were swarmed by Orcs.

In the second game, the Rohirrim were again undone, but this time by my large number of very sturdy Isengard Uruk-hai (their Fight and Strength characteristics were definitely game-winners) who fought alongside a bunch of Morannon Orcs and Orc heroes. The lightly armoured Riders, while able to win fights when on the charge, inflicted few direct wounds due to the strong armour of my infantry.

The two games looked visually fantastic too - all the figures were well painted and presented alongside Bob's terrific scenery pieces, drawing lots of looks of admiration and interest from GW staff and customers alike.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Commander_cool said (in a fine military manner):
The two games looked visually fantastic too - all the figures were well painted and presented alongside Bob's terrific scenery pieces, drawing lots of looks of admiration and interest from GW staff and customers alike.

Aw, c'mon guys! No piccies? Even one of the two generals shaking hands after the war?

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