The One Ring

Eastbourne, East Sussex LOTR warhammer players?
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Author:  TheDarkLordOfMordor1 [ Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Eastbourne, East Sussex LOTR warhammer players?

Hi there

I started playing LOTR Warhammer almost 2 years ago and i want to find some other LOTR players in my local area to have a game with now and then or something. When i got my second mumakil i thought, who the hell am i going to play with, i don't know anyone who plays this? I am looking for friendly, casual gamers around my age. Don't mind if your new and have not got a codex yet. If anyone wants to meet up or be my gaming partner or something, PM me. My Isengard army is mostly unpainted and i have a fortress that could be useful for seiges.

Author:  Thermo [ Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eastbourne, East Sussex LOTR warhammer players?

Hi there buddy!

Try SouthernDunedain, he's the man to ask about players down that way I believe! Hope you get a game soon and get yourself marked down for the odd tournament next year, best way to get involved with the community :)

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eastbourne, East Sussex LOTR warhammer players?

We have already spoken a few times Thermo 8) Unfortunately the darklord cannot drive and eastbourne is too far for me to travel on a regular basis.

I am always up for a game tho so if you let me know when you fancy playing, I'll have a look at my diary and see what I can do.

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