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 Post subject: Re: Eomer, MotR vs Eomer, KotP
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:47 am 
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rumtap wrote:
To be honest having multiple profiles for the same character bugs me a bit. I understand it for someone like gandalf the grey to gandalf the white. But Eomer? Eomer is Eomer is Eomer.

I get where you're coming from. Personally, a second profile for Theoden would have made more sense to me as (in the film at least) he did seem to get stronger and more vital between Helm's Deep and Pelennor Fields as a result of the continuous recovery from Saruman/ Grima's posession/ poisoning.

That, and Theoden's profile is legitimately weak whereas Eomer MotR is cost-efficient but boring.

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 Post subject: Re: Eomer, MotR vs Eomer, KotP
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:16 pm 
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I don't mind multiple profiles if there was in fact a growth of the character. Theoden, as mentioned above, is my biggest gripe because I would really love to see one for him in his prime and another for when he leads his people to relieve Minas Tirith. That last doesn't need to be a killing machine but should have SOME Will/Fate and some special rules regarding Stand Fast, Courage or perhaps Fight improvement for mounted Rohan.

I have played AGAINST Eomer, MotR several times and found him to be a good asset to my opponent, especially when mounted. He is affordable enough that you can consider him an Ekrel in the same force at higher point values. I have no experience yet with KotP version but when it first was published it seemed a lot of posts around here thought he was over priced for the differences. I personally like a very survivable overall leader though.

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 Post subject: Re: Eomer, MotR vs Eomer, KotP
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:27 pm 
Elven Elder
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The reason he was first thought to over priced is versus now when he's awesome is that his rules changed. Used to be you had to have Eowyn or Theoden to make him a heavy hitter, but it came at the cost of making him less durable, so you had a tank who could become a glass cannon, but only if you lose a 30-90 model. Now, he is still a tank, but he gets all the pros of his old rule without any of the cons, all he has to do is charge.

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 Post subject: Re: Eomer, MotR vs Eomer, KotP
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:59 pm 
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Beowulf03809 wrote:
For many of us though the period difference is an important factor (I miss LoME, even with it's flaws... :( )

Yep, count me in that category, Eorl's a gorgeous figure and his rules/statline are great but I just can't bring myself to field him alongside Erky and Eomer etc. It makes me feel all dirty.

As for the double profile thing I agree that Eomer only needs one - although i think it should be the KotP version to give Rohan characters some breadth across the statline.

Theoden is a good candidate for 2 though, I wouldn't mind Theoden's current profile if he was costed fairly (compared to a King of Men he should cost 5 points less if we assume M/W/F and special rules are worth 5 points each) but there should be another version representing him as he is charging out at Helm's Deep and the Pellenor etc.

I think his stats are fine as they are, as Beowulf says he shouldn't be a killing machine (he is about 70!) but 3M, 2W, 2F, heavy armour, shield, armoured horse, expert rider and maybe a 12" standfast or counts as a 6" banner or similar special rule for 105 points would be fair and fill a nice role in the army.

That said i still take him all the time, love the model and fluff and just can't help myself :?

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 Post subject: Re: Eomer, MotR vs Eomer, KotP
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:31 pm 
Elven Elder
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I would never refuse to play someone who wanted to use old eomer as new eomer but would obviously prefer them to use the new model. As long as their model had the exact wargear (shield, armoured horse) I have no quarrel.

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 Post subject: Re: Eomer, MotR vs Eomer, KotP
PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:06 am 
Elven Elder
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I used Eorl's rules to represent Theoden in a game a few weeks ago. Eorl fits quite well with the way Theoden was portrayed (in the book) at Pelennor Fields. He's also the same price, but SO much better.

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