I'm seriously considering starting up a War of the ring army, and im just wondering what you all think about the two armies im considering: isengard and the dwarf holds.
-To me, the armies are pretty similar. I'd have a spellcaster (gandalf/saruman) in a block of high defense, monsters to protect the flanks (trolls/king's champions), id have a front line breaker (berzerkers/khazad gaurd), possibly pikemen (uruk phalanx/vault wardens), limited ranged stuff (shortbows/crossbows), and balista support. I hear mainly that the Isengard ballista sucks, and that the dwarf doesnt compare to the avenger bolt thrower (but i think its a little better because of the higher range), so whats the deal with that?
-What varies is the heroes. The dwarves have rediculously awesome heroes (that know epic rampage) and they can actually ally stuff without it being un-fluffy. This is probably my biggest reason not to do isengard-- theres only 3 heroes i'd want to use.

Alot of people don't like uruk scouts, which means i'd be getting the majority of my force from a single box (which was a reason i didnt really want to do an all easterling army).
-In a non-gaming aspect, i think dwarves would be significantly cheaper, because i wouldn't have to buy as many expensive models (2 champions for $12, which are 350 points, compared to trolls and crossbowmen... and such). I'm not sure which would look better when i paint them, but i know isengard would be easier. I also think i like isengard's models more (except i really like dwarves allying in eagles).
-Please feel free to point out any weaknesses/advantages that i haven't yet seen. :/ I know dwarves weakness is the high point cost and the reduced movement, which can be taken care of by allying hobbit militia archers and eagles. They also dont have magic, and can't really deal with magic, take floi and ally in gandalf, and take heroes to duel magicians, right? Against monsters, theres legolas. On the other side of things, what in the world can isengard ally that is fluffy? I can't see allying anything from mordor, because saruman wanted the ring for himself, not sauron. Sauron used saruman as a puppet, and saruman wasn't a really... helpful person when it came down to things, so why would sauron aid saruman? The only thing i can see remoltey being close to fluffy is Griskewaakeakanahs tackers, and maybe misty mountains stuff (just beacuse its geographically close)?
Anyway, i have 2 lists that ive made, and im wondering which do you think is more competitive, easier to use, which is easier to use at smaller points, all that good stuff:
Saruman the White Hand
9 Companies of allied Mordor Wargs w/ Shields and Tormented seeds
5 companies of Uruk-hai Phalanx
5 Companies of Uruk-hai warband, banner bearer, Cursed armor of Udun
3 Companies of Uruk-hai scouts w/ bows
2x2 Companies of Uruk-hai w/ Crossbows (or 3 companies of Talons)
Uruk-hai Berzerkers
3x Isengard Troll Chieftans
TOTAL: 2015ish, (i have to choose between one of the two fates)
-I'd also like to use Sappers, and feral uruk-hai, but this list is already pretty expensive money wise, and im lacking the commons.
-Originally i had a formation of ballistas instead of the 3rd troll, but then i heard that they always underperform, and well trolls are awesome!
Dain Ironfoot, King Under the Mountain
Gimli, Son of Gloin
Floi Stonehand, Loremaster of Moria
Balin, Lord of Moria
Gandalf The Grey (allied)
4 companies of dwarf warriors + hornblower (gimli goes here)
4 companies of dwar warriors w/ shields + hornblower (balin and gandalf go here)
2x2 companies of Dwarf archers w/ hornblowers + shieldbearers
2 companies of Khazad Gaurd (dain goes here)
3 companies of Ballistas (Floi goes here)
2x King's champions
Total: 2005
-I'd love to figure out how to get Eagles or Legolas in here (for mobility and monster killing).
I'm also sort of confused about the whole putting wizards into combat units things. I see alot of people put radagast and such in combat units (and legolas, who isn't really that sturdy), and i just wonder how that works out when the enemy can duel you and kill you easy. Obviously its safer than leaving the dude out in the open, or with a small archer unit, but... how can you avoid having your 200 point wizard killed off in a second, expecially wizards like radagast that give bonuses in combat (which encourages me to get him in combat). Is it the high defense that protects them? Saruman can be in a D8 unit, and Gandalf can be in a D8 or a D10 unit (depending if someone uses Epic Defense or not).
Anyway, please help me make my decision. I've done alot of the research, but... i still need to know more.