The One Ring

Army of the dead wotr
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Author:  Leinad [ Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Army of the dead wotr


I have recently dded some army of the dead to my army, and was wondering how you use them, what tactics are good, and what strategyies should people use?

(please don't respond just to say that I should not take them)

Author:  Slythar [ Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Army of the dead wotr

Definitely take a Captain with them or better yet take Court of the Dead King which includes a handy banner. Moving at the double is very necessary.

Common tactic is to move thru an enemy formation and attack from behind. I Shieldwall Warriors of Minas Tirith in front of them and try to sandwich the enemy. Its hard to do with a Captain but its simple with Shadowstride. You'll want to attack a Courage of 3 ideally and have someone call a Herioc Fight. If there is a Hero with Inspiring Hero you need to kill him or lower his courage. Gandalf and Galadriel have the 2 spells necessary to lower courage being Aura of Blinding Light and Sunder Spirit.

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