The One Ring

Best Contest of champions army ever! Instant point getting
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Author:  TheGoblinTacticus [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Best Contest of champions army ever! Instant point getting

I've made up the best contest of champions army ever! Here is an army to get instant points in a torney:

Dark Lord Sauron
The one ring

That's it!


You will always get 5 points with this army
Major victory is already archieved if you made 2 kills (use drain soul for 4+ :!: ) because your opponent can't make more then one kill so 20 points
Minor victory is not possible to get
Draw if you both made 1 kill (almost impossible) so 10 points
Minor defeat if your enemy leader killed Sauron (in case of a very lucky king of the dead), so you'll still get 5 points....
Major defeat not possible............

You will almost always get the major victory, making 2 kills with Sauron is not that hard...... just drain soul 2 times and you've won.

Author:  hithero [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Contest of champions army ever! Instant point getti

It's an illegal army (Min 3 models) and will probaby lose all the other scenarios in the competition.

Author:  hero of gondor [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Contest of champions army ever! Instant point getti

Indeed Illegal and useless. so what's the point in taking it?

Author:  cereal_theif [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Contest of champions army ever! Instant point getti

take 2 orc trackers and hide them in a hole... and no one will every play you.

Author:  TheGoblinTacticus [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Contest of champions army ever! Instant point getti

yeah indeed it is useless but it is funny to do once...
So just put 2 orcs in your force and put them at the other side of the table where he hasn't got his leader.
Sauron almost can't di

By the way I found out that if Sauron doesn't make any kills it will still be a Maior defeat.
I'm sorry

Author:  General Elessar [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Contest of champions army ever! Instant point getti

I've faced Sauron twice. The first time I had Aragorn with Anduril, so I thought I had a chance (indeed, I managed to reduce Sauron to one wound). The second time, however, I was in a very bad situation: we had rolled for the scenario and got To The Death... I surrendered when I realized there were two models in my army that wouldn't need double 6's to wound him.

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Contest of champions army ever! Instant point getti

AActually sauron and one ring=450points, i've never heard of a 450 point game but i have haerd of a 500 point game, you could have sauron and 4 black guard of barad dur and hide them in the corner of the map... VICTORY!!!

Author:  hithero [ Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Contest of champions army ever! Instant point getti

SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
AActually sauron and one ring=450points, i've never heard of a 450 point game but i have haerd of a 500 point game, you could have sauron and 4 black guard of barad dur and hide them in the corner of the map... VICTORY!!!

How do you hide a model, your army just walks past Sauron and kill them.

Author:  WayUnderTheMountain [ Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best Contest of champions army ever! Instant point getti

Very simple way to counter those 500pt armies in a Contest of Champions, take cavalry and run around Sauron (keeping well out of range of spells) before attacking his escorting troops. If they huddle next to the Dark Lord, pick them off with archers. Cavalry can run circles around Sauron since they move 4" faster and if they have bows they can fire at 24" to Chill Soul's 18".

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