The One Ring

Dol Guldur army
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Author:  Minyakano [ Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Dol Guldur army

Ever since the Fall of the Necromancer supplement came out, I was thinking about building a Dol Guldur army. All those spiders and Wargs, to say nothing of the castellans....

Is everything for it found in the mordor book, or am I going to have to get the Moria one as well?

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dol Guldur army

everything is in the mordor book and the necromancer even has a couple of dol-guldur themed upgrades for troops and shamans.

Author:  Minyakano [ Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dol Guldur army

Thanks. might take a look through an open copy next time I'm passing a GW store. Of course, then the next question is whether to start building the army, or wait for Hobbit Minitures...

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dol Guldur army

I forgot about the upgrades they added with the new books. I need to take a look at what they gave the Necromancer. I believe they made Castellans more "worth it" with the new book as well (they could work well but were hard to justify for what they cost) as well as point changes to spiders.

Minyakano, I find Dol Guldur a fun alternative army for Mordor based forces. Wild Wargs and Spiders are fast, flexible and effective. Orcs (LOTS) and Mordor Uruks are great foundation for the force. Some Morgul Knights or Black NĂºmenĂ³reans wouldn't be out of line. With the Mountains of Mirkwood right there you can ally in from the Moria list and remain well themed. And late in the War of the Ring, Sauron was sending large numbers of Easterlings to Dol Guldur for the attempted assault on Lothlorien so if you want some tough Men there as well you have a nice option (just don't think you can justify a Mumuk though :rofl: ). It really isn't much different from what you can do with a stron Mordor list to begin with but has enough flavor to make it more unique.

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