The One Ring

grey company advice!!!
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Author:  willc684 [ Fri Apr 18, 2014 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  grey company advice!!!

Hi guys, I'm making a grey company army (more for fun than competition) but I was wondering if anyone had used a similar one and if so to what success?

Elladan &Elrohir w/bow and armour
6 rangers of the north
5 of the above with 4 rangers w/spear each
(One solo)

496 (ish). For 750 I would add 3 hunters Aragorn @200 plus 4 more rangers for the 6th ROTN equaling about 735 so I may even add more rangers. As I said it's more theme and fun than competitive but has anyone got any changes to reccommend and or success stories?.

Author:  Sithious [ Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: grey company advice!!!

ROTN do fairly well. My friend took Aragorn and 6 of them once vrs me with a bare bones Uruk Scout list (was going for number superiority since I would no way match the fight values) and the ROTN held out very well even out numbered, but they did eventually lose that match, but with some scenario's it can go either way. Also since you do have some basic rangers tagging along and two heroes instead of one, you have a good chance at holding up against tough opponents.
Most people will concentrate on taking out your basic rangers first to get you to break points (for some scenario's that is all they need to do to get victory points). Take a look at the scenario's you are likely to play and see where your advantages and disadvantages lie, make a note on your army list if there are specific scenario's that you need to play differently to.

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: grey company advice!!!

A typical grey company looks like this:

12 Rangers of Arnor





The RoN/ dunedain are independant heroes therefore cannot lead troops. Any Rangers of Arnor must be led by other characters (Arathorn, Malbeth etc). At lower points, it does get very point heavy when you are having to take 100 points of RoN to get a full warband.
They are also pretty boring to play with/ against. Stand, shoot, move back, shoot etc etc. Back in the days of Legions when you could volley and the enemy had to run across the entire board edge, it was powerful but now? I'd rather take a full mirkwood ranger list. Get similar numbers but better troops.

Author:  willc684 [ Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: grey company advice!!!

Yeah both good answers there interesting...
(I know ROTN can't lead I just wrote it like that to put into perspective the special bow count rule)

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Mon Apr 21, 2014 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: grey company advice!!!

Idk man. Your fight values OK and you have great might and heroes but you have too few troops and they're soft. With isengard for example I can still take 12 crossbow bolts per round and against mostly D 5-6 I'm dying on 6s you're dying on fours and im lowering your #s before you get to combat against ferals warriors with shield etc with same fight.

That's just one army example. Against elves you'd be out shot with any good army.

Dwarves good luck killing on 6s by 4s.

I don't know. I never like this list much anymore.

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