The One Ring

Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings
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Author:  Zarathustra Suicuine [ Sat Aug 30, 2014 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings

So there are a fair few good players at reading gw, I'm using this as an excuse to finish painting/paint my easterlings, as it is more thematic to use the men of Rhuin against the realms of men in the third age rather then the last alliance :P
I'm thinking this list
Khamul on armoured horse
5 Easterling black dragon Kataphrackts
5 easterlings with pikes and shields

Easterling warpriest
12 Easterling warriors (4 with pikes and shields, 8 with sheilds)

Castellan of Dul Guldor

Castellan of Dul Goldur
27 models

Author:  Gwaryan [ Sat Aug 30, 2014 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings

It seems a bit small to deal with Gondor at 500pts. At that level they can usually field three full warbands. Having a few troops with FV4 and S4 should help with that, but I think their additional numbers would carry it.

I'd suggest dropping the Castellans, then adding in another Captain and giving him some more Easterlings on foot to lead. Also transfer the infantry from Khamul's warband to that one. On the other hand, I do like the Castellans in the list as I think they're great models so I'm tempted to say don't listen to that :P

Author:  JamesR [ Sat Aug 30, 2014 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings

^This is all good advice. Castellans look cool but aren't very powerful for their points. A captain plus some more infantry (especially more pikes) would be helpful to your cause. But really use the pikes, they're such a huge advantage

Author:  Isilduhrr [ Sat Aug 30, 2014 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings

i'd say ditch both castellans - they're only worth it for the Morgul blade, and then only occasionally. take khamul on fellbeast and use the remaining points for equipping pikes.

Author:  Galanur [ Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings

I would suggest the following

Warband 1
Easterling Dragon Knight on armoured horse

This the hammer character of yours, I do know he cannot use shielding while on a steed however the steed compensates for speed and alot of attacks

Warband 2
Amdur, Lord of Blades
3 Easterling warriors with shield
4 Easterling black dragons with shield and pike
4 Easterling black dragons with shield and pike

your army backbone with the powerfull combination of amdur as a skilled fighter and counting as a banner. I made the pikeman as black dragons cause the forward rank with shield are the guys that will feint most of the time so no need for high fight value letting the ranks behind wins the fight for em.

Warband 3
Easterling War Priest on armoured horse
8 Easterling black dragons Kataphrakt

Within every host of the easterling there always should relie on an easterling war priest, fury of man race type is just 2 good to ignore.
Also alot easterling cavalry to make your oponents tramble...

total: 500pts

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings

Tbh you won't get three warbands in - this is just a sad fact we gotta face. I'd personally take the op's list over Galanaur's, mainly because higher numbers + magic. Also why mount the war priest instead of Amdur?

I think the khamul/castellan combo could work nicely. I don't see why everyone is talking smack about castellans, for 45(?) points they are easily some of the best value4points in the game.

Author:  Valadorn [ Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings

Guys if this is against gondor, imagine an army with Beregond/Denethor/Damrod of 35+ models, most on D6 with spear support. Not mentioning F4 rangers/veterans etc.

They will also easily encircle the castellans (which is their weakest spot). They dont have might but you either. Khamul can be encircled or shot with arrows.

Author:  Zarathustra Suicuine [ Sun Aug 31, 2014 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings

The gondor player uses faramir, captains and a repeater bolt thrower,, I don't see why people think the dragon knights are soo good in comparison to the castellans, who are 30pts cheaper base, have terror, defence 7 (I have killed two dragon warriors in one turn with numenor bowmen) and S5, the terror especially will work well with Khamul.
I'm not sold on the black dragon upgrade on the warriors, as it makes them cost as much as elves for less then elves stats.

Author:  Galanur [ Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings

well for a few reasons dragon kknight can be better although not bugging as one castellan... why amdir on foot... well hes a banner your pike line benefit more with a banner.neaby unlike the horsemen... and why the priest on horse? easier to move around with fury bubble, gain bonys vs foot models and maximize randomness to keep him alive...

Author:  Galanur [ Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings

about easterling cost yu dont have elves with acess to pike ss random gear

Author:  Rangers of Dunedain [ Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings

I would suggest either...
taking a phalanx of easterling 3 deep forming a v formation, having models armed swords and shields at the front and the rest with pikes, give the back line of pikes the Black Dragon upgrade. This gives you a higher fight than WOMT and you draw equal to the Rangers.
To support the formation I would recommend a banner and a war priest. You should be able to punch through the defence six with sheer amount of dice.

My second option would be Khandish horsemen and piercing striking to negate the high defence of WOMT, I would also take a Khandish King on chariot.
The idea of axes would also work with Khandish warriors backed up easterlings with pikes.

Hope this helps 8)

Author:  Zarathustra Suicuine [ Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings

the problem with pikes is that if you are paying the same as elves, then you won't have the numbers to properly utilise the pikes against them.

Author:  Rangers of Dunedain [ Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings

I understand what you are saying but by forming a v formation you may be able to negate his numbers. Also you could try to use the terrain to form choking points.
If you don't take named heroes and stick to captains and war priests then you may be able to get 3 full warbands of Easterlings.

Author:  Elf of the North [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anti rohan/gondor 500pts easterlings

Have you considered bowmen with pikes? They are really good IMO :)

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