The One Ring

All MOUNTED Harad!
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Author:  HaradYNWA [ Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  All MOUNTED Harad!

So this is something I've been thinking about for awhile! I've seen quite a few all mounted lists and thought I'd jump on the band wagon with my Harad.

Warband 1
Knight of Umbar on Fellbeast
6 x serpent riders
5 x haradrim raiders w. lance
1 x haradrim raider w. banner

Warband 2
Suladan w. horse
12 x haradrim raiders w. lance + spear

Most likely not going to be competitive but im sure it'll be good fun!

Author:  JamesR [ Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All MOUNTED Harad!

I'm building a similar list but I'm including a Mahud King (mounted) and some raiders

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: All MOUNTED Harad!

HaradYNWA wrote:
12 x haradrim raiders w. lance + spear
Lance + spear? Did you mean to type 'bow'?
If not, I'd recommend getting some bows in there. Mounted archers are great.
You may want to go for slightly smaller warbands and get a third warband(/hero), as it will prove difficult to get and keep all guys within range for those important heroic moves.
How many points is this anyway?

Author:  HaradYNWA [ Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All MOUNTED Harad!

JamesR wrote:
I'm building a similar list but I'm including a Mahud King (mounted) and some raiders

I was very tempted to add some Mahud but decided to go for pure haram rim theme, mahud king is brutal though!

Author:  HaradYNWA [ Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All MOUNTED Harad!

Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
HaradYNWA wrote:
12 x haradrim raiders w. lance + spear
Lance + spear? Did you mean to type 'bow'?
If not, I'd recommend getting some bows in there. Mounted archers are great.
You may want to go for slightly smaller warbands and get a third warband(/hero), as it will prove difficult to get and keep all guys within range for those important heroic moves.
How many points is this anyway?

Ah yes I did mean lance + bow, utilizes my 50% bow limit. Was thinking of addition a 3rd captain but it lowered my numbers to much I felt. It comes to 600 points all up, going to try it out at a tournament in November

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All MOUNTED Harad!

HaradYNWA wrote:
So this is something I've been thinking about for awhile! I've seen quite a few all mounted lists and thought I'd jump on the band wagon with my Harad.

Warband 1
Knight of Umbar on Fellbeast
6 x serpent riders
5 x haradrim raiders w. lance
1 x haradrim raider w. banner

Warband 2
Suladan w. horse
12 x haradrim raiders w. lance + spear

Most likely not going to be competitive but im sure it'll be good fun!

I hope you enjoy it because I've tried two variants of all mounted harad and they both failed me miserably.

Author:  HaradYNWA [ Wed Oct 01, 2014 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All MOUNTED Harad!

LordoftheBrownRing wrote:
HaradYNWA wrote:
So this is something I've been thinking about for awhile! I've seen quite a few all mounted lists and thought I'd jump on the band wagon with my Harad.

Warband 1
Knight of Umbar on Fellbeast
6 x serpent riders
5 x haradrim raiders w. lance
1 x haradrim raider w. banner

Warband 2
Suladan w. horse
12 x haradrim raiders w. lance + spear

Most likely not going to be competitive but im sure it'll be good fun!

I hope you enjoy it because I've tried two variants of all mounted harad and they both failed me miserably.

Yeah I don't expect they'll be particularly competitive. What did you find were the main weaknesses? And dud you find it had any great strengths?

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