The One Ring

750 point Army of Nordinbad
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Author:  JamesR [ Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:27 am ]
Post subject:  750 point Army of Nordinbad

Considering this 750 points army for a friendly in which I will be teaching a new player. He's an experienced wargamer so I won't be taking it too easy, plus I have my win-loss record to think of lol. My army is themed around Nordinbad in LOTR War in the North, which I aim to keep.

This is a fight to the death.

Warband 1
(Bruni) Kings Champion
4x Vault Warden Teams
2x Iron Guard

Warband 2
(Nodri) Balin, Son of Fundin w D Axe
6x Khazad Guard
2x Iron Guard

Warband 3
(Farin) Dwalin
5x Warrior of Erebor w shield
5x Warrior of Erebor w Spear and shield

Warband 4
Beleram (Gwahir)

Should be a hair under 750. I don't have my books on me so if I'm incorrect I'll make changes.

My opponents will be goblin town and Isengard each player having 400 points to use against my army

*Also the Goblin town player is very experienced in LOTR so I can't take it too easy on him. And he'll help with advice for the new player

One thing im considering is dropping Balin for Floi so I can remove the Goblin King's "blubber save"

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 point Army of Nordinbad

Youve got a lot of good killing power in there. And dwarves vs Isengard is always tough. I know you'll be able to handle yourself, but watch out for those Goblins. Depending on his army, he can bring an amazing amount of troops.....

One thing I dont like is the Eagle. They've never performed for me or my opponents in roughly 6 games.

I dont know, Id like to put more troops in there. The eagles never have enough attacks......they always get swarmed by good players.

Author:  Isilduhrr [ Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 point Army of Nordinbad

I disagree, the eagle always performs well for me against both goblins and Isengard. I think it provides a good core when used along with your power heroes. if you were to take out gwaihir though, i'd add both bows and a banner.

Author:  JamesR [ Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 point Army of Nordinbad

I completely agree on taking archers if I drop Beleram. That's really the crux of my delima though. The Isengard player will be using Crossbows and perhaps scouts with Orc bows. So do I instead sub in Floi with my own archers to counter? Or do I rely on terrain plus my stout D to keep me around to see cqc

Author:  Galanur [ Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 point Army of Nordinbad

Not sure about Belaram, hes just an eagle though but I understand you wanna give some more uses thats why you wanna proxy him as gwaihir...

As for the aspects of Bruni and Nodri, one is basically captain of the guard, the other its the king´s son, you might need to review some profiles accordingly to what they are...

As themed I would justify Farin if you took Eradan and Andriel as well, although the list would suffer some suftle...

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 point Army of Nordinbad

JamesR wrote:
I completely agree on taking archers if I drop Beleram. That's really the crux of my delima though. The Isengard player will be using Crossbows and perhaps scouts with Orc bows. So do I instead sub in Floi with my own archers to counter? Or do I rely on terrain plus my stout D to keep me around to see cqc

I play Isengard a lot, and seen Isengard and dwarves play a lot. And the crossbows always do well against the dwarves.

Author:  JamesR [ Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 point Army of Nordinbad

Galanur wrote:
Not sure about Belaram, hes just an eagle though but I understand you wanna give some more uses thats why you wanna proxy him as gwaihir...

As for the aspects of Bruni and Nodri, one is basically captain of the guard, the other its the king´s son, you might need to review some profiles accordingly to what they are...

As themed I would justify Farin if you took Eradan and Andriel as well, although the list would suffer some suftle...

I understand exactly where you are coming from on this but Beleram is so heroic in the game and does so much that w/o bringing Gwaihir as himself it seemed a shame to not include him as a hero.

With this do you mean that you believe the profiles are OP for the characters? Because their stand at Gundabad convinced me that they're worthy lol. Also Bruni having the two heralds with him simply made sense to me as them representing two of the guard.

I do understand bringing Andrel and Eradan I wasn't intending this to represent the full force at the battle of Nordinbad, but merely a fraction of it. I'm also unsure who to field for either of them from a profile standpoint

Author:  Galanur [ Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 point Army of Nordinbad

eradan use arathorn Andriel use a stormcaller, prob high elf one

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