The One Ring

How to fit Aragorn in at 450 points?!
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Author:  Frêrin [ Mon Dec 29, 2014 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  How to fit Aragorn in at 450 points?!

I'd really like to play Aragorn in an tournament army (450 points). But I am not able to write a satisfying list. The Problem is Strider isn't able to lead warriors and Isildurs Hire is not allowed to take a horse and both are really expensive so that I will have a low model count.
At the moment I have a few lists in mind:

All hero:
Aragorn, Isildurs Hire
Elladan and Elrohir with Elvenbows
Legolas on horse
450 points; 4 models; 12* might

with 6 shots I may be able to kill important models (like shamans) before combat. And in combat I have 4 dice with Elladan and Elrohir and Legolas (on the Charge) to win the fight.

Grey Company:

Aragorn, Isildurs Hire
1 Rangers of Arnor
11 Rangers of Arnor with spears


3 x Ranger of the North with spears
450 points; 17 models; 17 bows

With 17 bows this list could work and F4 with re roll isn't that bad. But 17 models aren't that much and D4 isn't that good, too.

With Rohan:
Aragorn Strider on horse with armour and bow

Erkenbrand on horse
11 Westfold Redshields with throwing spears
446 points, 13 models; all mounted; 12 bows

With 8" thworing spears and Aragorns free might point hit and run could be succesfull. But it might be boring just riding around the field and shoot and throw.

Do you have any other ideas to play Aragorn competitiv and what are your thoughts about the lists above?

Author:  legion [ Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to fit Aragorn in at 450 points?!

Personally I would avoid all Hero lists at such low points so in my opinion, I wouldn't take the first list. It may be strong, but a couple bad rolls with have you overwhelmed.

I like the Grey Company list if you are not deploying by normal hobbit deployment (12" from the center). This is because if you deploy close, then you will not be able to shoot. also, you will be obliterated against most armies in close combat.

the Cavalry list is probably the best, but you already mentioned this may be boring for you. I personally enjoy a cavalry list but if you don't like it, then I guess just pick your first list (assuming you are deploying 12" from the center. If your 12" from the board edge then use the ranger list)

Author:  artlessmammet [ Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to fit Aragorn in at 450 points?!

How about this:

King Elessar w/ armoured horse
2x Citadel Guard w/ Longbow and Horse
1x Guard of the Fountain Court w/ Shield and Banner
9x Guard of the Fountain Court w/ Shield

Thirteen models isn't many, of course, but there's two ranks of Guard with a banner, a pair of quick archers, and the unholy monstrosity that is King Elessar.
You've mobility thanks to Heroic Marches, can comfortably contest every priority roll or you could just use Anduril and Heroic Combats to mow through infantry like wheat to the scythe. That free point gives so many options...

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Tue Dec 30, 2014 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to fit Aragorn in at 450 points?!

I agree with Legion. The Rohan list is the best. Id go so far as to say take Eowyn and a few more Riders. But you may not have her.....and if you have the points to add another rider take away Eowyn.

If you have Strider with no bow you can use him tactially to draw fire and put riders in the way and fire back(like the arnor list) and shoot them till they get to you.

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to fit Aragorn in at 450 points?!

Over here, all hero is pretty much all you'll see at that low points cost.

If you do go all hero, mount everyone on a horse. You need the extra movement and charge bonuses.

Something like
Strider + Horse + Armour
Elven Twins + Horse
Legolas + Cloak or horse.

Author:  Frêrin [ Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to fit Aragorn in at 450 points?!

The Twins are not allowed to fight with 3 dice on horse so if I loose the heroic move, they will be trapped (with even more models than if they were on foot) and only 2 dice (and without Aragorns re-roll).

Author:  Elessar95 [ Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to fit Aragorn in at 450 points?!

Aragorn w/ Armour and Bow

Captain of Minas Tirith
6 warriors of minas tirith w/shield
6 warriors of minas tirith w/spear and shield

6 warriors of minas tirith w/shield
2 warriors of minas tirith w/spear and shield
2 warriors of minas tirith w/bow

Pts: 449 Models: 25

This has done well for me in the past. Hope it helps

Author:  JamesR [ Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to fit Aragorn in at 450 points?!

If you go with the above list I'd drop the captain for Damrod and upgrade your troops

Author:  Elessar95 [ Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to fit Aragorn in at 450 points?!

I also need help but I unfortunately do not have damrod.

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