The One Ring

Need some help with Mirkwood
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Author:  Raugnir [ Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Need some help with Mirkwood

Hello, friends.

I'm trying to make a Mirkwood army, for war of the rings. The problem I'm having is the Mirkwood else are far too expensive moneywise to do a large army. Does anyone have any experience converting Galadrim warriors, is it simply a matter of green stuffing the helmets, or would there be far too much work involved to make it worth it?

Author:  orc-archer [ Sat Apr 25, 2015 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need some help with Mirkwood

Depends how alike you want them to look like the real Mirkwood miniatures, if you want a really close match you need to do quite a bit of greenstuff work. The Galadhrim also have different shields, but you could use some from the Palace Guard box.

The user haradrim has made some, check out his thread:

Author:  mdauben [ Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need some help with Mirkwood

If you are looking at the plastic Galadrim in order to afford a lot of them, that's a lot of conversion to do, even if its just the helmet and the shield. Personally, if it was me I would just use the armored Galadrim as-is. They are not all that different and I doubt anyone worth gaming with would give you any grief for doing so.

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