SouthernDunedain wrote:
Don't bother with a fell beast for the shadow lord, the extra coverage is nice but you are better off using those points on a mordor troll chieften as has been said. Give the SL a horse to keep up with the drummer.
I have to disagree with this. Wraith on Fellbeast is SO much better than a Troll Chief. Anyone who says otherwise is slightly deluded

The fellbeast moves the same speed as the knights so it will be hard for them to escape. If you take a troll, it'll never get into combat.
If you're confident of not being shot to pieces, consider a more combat oriented wraith like the Knight of Umbar or Khamul. Both can match/ beat the FV of elf lords who may seek to slay them. But ALWAYS put them ona fellbeast.
You misunderstand, I think giving the shadowlord a fell beast in this situation is a waste of points. That is what we are discussing, not some other "deluded" scenario. Giving one to the other wraiths, like the KoU or khamul not so much a waste.
For the SL, If a captain/gilgalad is in with those knights as he said earlier, all the captain/gilgalad has to do is tie (they are f6/f7) and bye bye SL. They would not even have to charge. Those rivendell knight captains are a threat to most wraiths. Plus they all have S3 bows and need only a 6 to wound even an armored fell beast, and his opponent masses bows. Easy to target a FB with massed bows if it is trying to chase down cavalry, one might still need a 6 to hit with the SL but then you are leaving the regular troops open to those shots.
Troll chieftain and regular mordor trolls are f7. More appropriate to fight elven knight captain/elites, and with hurl they can unseat cavalry models rather easily. Monsters get into the combat much more frequently now with the new deployment/scenarios and, I have heard from many people how "op" hurl as a brutal power attack can be.
So in this case, yes the FB for the SL is a waste of points, use the shadow lord to protect the troops, use the drummer to get them into combat. Once that is done use the SL to immobilize/transfix/black dart the elites.
richmondwarmancers we play Lord of The Rings, Battlefleet Gothic, Infinity, some board games, and really whatever tickles our fancy..