The One Ring |
Dol Guldur 750p + Dragon 750p (edited) |
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Author: | Salattu [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:23 pm ] |
Post subject: | Dol Guldur 750p + Dragon 750p (edited) |
Ok 2 army lists are done. I hope you have patience and interest to check them out. My plan is to make the dragon list + these to exist in real life. So if u like a list please tell... Also all kind improvement ideas are welcome. First one is themically a force similar to which attacked minas tirith. I like the look of fellbeast and troll (i use old metal mordor troll), also i like traditional lists with a lot orcs and basic stuff (eastarlings would be so good looking too). Plan was first to have Black guard, but i already own warg riders so thats why them. Strategically troll can benefit from taskmaster, shadowlord helps all units. Nothing super-new here. *Shadowlord, fellbeast -4 morannon orc -8 orc warrior *Troll Chieftain -4 morannon orc -8 orc warrior *Taskmaster -4 morannon orc -8 orc warrior, banner *Orc Captain -6 warg rider Overall: 750p, 46 units, 8 might. Warhost of Dol Guldur: I am especially attracted by this list. Simply i am in love with dark forests, spiders and undead, now i get all. Some may think barrow-wight is non-thematic, but nazguls/sauron used all kind spirits and the unit looks good. Sure its not specifically a barrow-wight from shire, but something similar. *Dwimmerlake -2 giant spider -2 morannon orc -8 orc warrior *Spider Queen -2 giant spider -2 morannon orc -6 orc warrior *Orc Shaman -2 giant spider -10 orc warrior, banner *Barrow-wight -8 orc warrior *Castellan of Dol Guldur, morgul blade Overall: 748p, 47 units, 3 might. |
Author: | Quinndalf [ Wed Jun 10, 2015 4:24 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Dol Guldur + fellbeast/troll warhosts 750p |
List 2 is illegal as the spider queen is an independent hero |
Author: | Salattu [ Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:01 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Dol Guldur + fellbeast/troll warhosts 750p |
Thank you for the note. I did read the army books and it seems that in mordor armybook the spider queen is not an independent hero, in moria/angmar book it is. I don't know though if there has been some fix afterwards? |
Author: | Quinndalf [ Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:07 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Dol Guldur + fellbeast/troll warhosts 750p |
Yeah it was FAQ'ed here's the link mate ... e_v1.2.pdf |
Author: | Salattu [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:06 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Dol Guldur + fellbeast/troll warhosts 750p |
Ok this is shameful... I guess i must forget spider queen and opt for either to things... a) a cave troll with barrow-eight b) uruk-hais with 2 handed, another castellan, etc hit power that has syncro with magicians. Wht do u suggest? Or maybe remove something and troll chieftain... But it might be too close to first list. |
Author: | Salattu [ Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:53 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Dol Guldur + Dragon 750p (edited) |
I have came conclusion to make just 2 lists existing. Dol Guldur *Dwimmerlake -3 giant spider -4 morannon orc -5 orc warrior *Troll chieftain -2 morannon orc -10 orc warrior *Orc Shaman -3 giant spider -4 morannon orc -5 orc warrior, banner *Barrowwight *Castellan of Dol Guldur, mb Overall: 750p, 40 units, 3 might. This list has a few advantages in strategy... Dwimmerlake protects shaman, barrow and castellan from sap will, troll from transfix. Enemy's fate points are less due to dwimmer so mb can be good. This list works in forest, not need cavalry since 2 mages. Troll can then hit 6 hits and kill most enemies. Spiders are cool. I could replace all morannons with normal orcs would it be wise? Dragon's Host *Dragon, wings -3 giant spider -6 warg rider *Orc Taskmaster -11 morannon orc -1 orc banner carrier *Orc Shaman -11 morannon orc Overall: 750p, 35 units, 5 might. This list doesn't need mages since dragon knocks all to the ground and wins combats. I chose warg riders instead wild wargs simply because I own them already. I also counted that enemy archers should kill probably 9 units to annihilate 6 warg riders. Army has very sturdy centre. Fast strike-troop helps to commit missions. An option could be full-cavalry-list, would it be better? Positive with these lists is that I own most content they have. I just need 6 spiders, a castellan, a barrowwight, an orc command set and the dwimmerlake. |
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