The One Ring

500 point Lothlorien and Mirkwood List and expanding it
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Author:  General Ly Average [ Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  500 point Lothlorien and Mirkwood List and expanding it

Hello everyone,
After a huge campaign of paint stripping I was ready to sell on my Galadhrim models, but nostalgia got the better of me (they were some of the first models I bought) and I've decided to create a list out of them. For 500 points I have created this:
W1: Haldir with Elven Cloak, Armour and Elf Bow
4 Galadhrim with Elven Blade and Shield
4 Galadhrim with Spear
4 Galadhrim with Elven Bow
W2: Rumil
Leading the same
W3: Legolas with Armour and Elven Cloak
What does everyone think? I know it's pretty simple but do you reckon it could do well? I'd be very grateful for c&c
However, my main question is on how to expand my list. I was thinking Guards of the Galadhrim Court scattered throughout the warbands and possilby a few Galadhrim Knights. What does everyone think on this? Thanks for reading.

Author:  MWL_Rambo [ Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 500 point Lothlorien and Mirkwood List and expanding it

I love using the Galadhrim. They are obviously not the best way to play elves but I have a soft spot for them. I would drop the elven cloak on haldir and drop the eleven blades from your swordsman. I would use 15 of those 18 points to upgrade 5 spearman into 5 guards of the Galadhrim court and the last 3 points to give your last 3 spearmen shields. If you wanted a little more killing power after those upgrades then you could trade out a couple shields for elf blades to have some 2-handed swordsmen.

With these little upgrades you will still have good shooting but now you have a lot of fight 6 to throw around when combat hits and everything but your archers (and any 2-handed swordsmen you want) are defense 5.

Author:  rumtap [ Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 500 point Lothlorien and Mirkwood List and expanding it

I agree, drop the eleven blades for regular blades and either take some guards or give shields to your spears as well.

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