The One Ring

Last Warband
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Author:  Tourin TLA [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Last Warband

Hi Guys,
I have made a list and can't decide on the last warband.

I have two options

Thranduil w Armour and Elf Bow
8 Wood Elves w Wood Elf Spear
4 Wood Elves w Elf Bow
Thranduil w Armour and Elf Bow
5 Mirkwood Rangers
2 Palace Guard w Shield

Which one would be better? Have greater numbers but less shots or less numbers with extra shot and 2 F6 and D6 bodyguards w Elven Blade? C&C welcomed

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Warband

I have vast experience with Mirkwood Rangers but Id like to see what the rest of your army not listed is. I'd need to see some idea of what youre supporting so I can advise properly.
If this army will be in an upcoming tournament and you dont want prying eyes to see, you can pm me.

But I with or against wood elves and mirkwood Rangers often.

Author:  Rozinante [ Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Warband

I'd love to hear this conversation...

Wood Elves in skilled hands win tournaments...but I have little experience against them.

I would always vote for Spears and numbers, especially as Wood Elves die so easily when they lose.

Mirkwood Rangers can't support, and--correct me here: their multiple attack rule does not kick in against just one opponent, even if the opponent is spear supported. True? So Mirkwoods are an elite shooting team...that can't shoot anymore after shields clash, which is usually round two (in my experience).

As front row, they have no advantages in normal play...even if they charge two opponents (with spear support) -- then it is their 3 attacks against the enemies' 4... My handy Odds of Winning A Fight spreadsheet (thanks to Lonely Knight) tells me they will win only 60% of the time. And die the rest.

All to say: I can't find a reason to take Mirkwood Rangers (except they look so cool). Am I missing something?

Author:  Tourin TLA [ Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Warband

Rozinante wrote:
I'd love to hear this conversation...

The first warband was chosen 8)

Author:  Dikey [ Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Warband

Rozinante wrote:
Mirkwood Rangers can't support, and--correct me here: their multiple attack rule does not kick in against just one opponent, even if the opponent is spear supported. True? So Mirkwoods are an elite shooting team...that can't shoot anymore after shields clash, which is usually round two (in my experience).

As front row, they have no advantages in normal play...even if they charge two opponents (with spear support) -- then it is their 3 attacks against the enemies' 4... My handy Odds of Winning A Fight spreadsheet (thanks to Lonely Knight) tells me they will win only 60% of the time. And die the rest.

All to say: I can't find a reason to take Mirkwood Rangers (except they look so cool). Am I missing something?

You are right. Their rule doesn't apply in one vs one, even if the enemy is supported. That's why Mirkwood rangers are not the core force. They are an elité shooting team against to whom you cannot really shoot back. They are not supposed to be front line, but flanking units. They shoot, hidden and protected, and charge only when necessary.
That being said, I think they require a lot of skill to be used correctly.

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