The One Ring |
Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
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Author: | Hilmir [ Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:51 pm ] |
Post subject: | Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
Hey there! I was wondering if anyone could help with a 1000pt army of mainly goblin town and Moria. I'm playing a game next week with a friend, and I know he will be using lots of big heroes like Elendil and also Legolas. He's using mainly high elves, Numenor and Lothlorien. Therefore want as big a force as i can. I was thinking of allying in Azog to deal with powerful heroes. Other thoughts were goblin king and scribe. l have EFGT, Moria drum, Goblins, Durburz, Druzhag, Wargs, spiders etc. Also a small Angmar army. Thanks! |
Author: | Galanur [ Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:22 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
If yu go either goblins and orcs (I highly recommend a shaman of each race, if not 2). |
Author: | Scib [ Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:30 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
My suggestion would be to include a ringraith or two to counter his heroes |
Author: | Hilmir [ Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:59 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
Thanks for quick replies. A few more things. Should I use a cave troll or Goblin king? Troll's lack of fate is worrying. Also I'm using 24 moria goblins, so should I use a drum? Thanks again |
Author: | Scib [ Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:36 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
Personally I would go for the goblin king, he is great value for his points plus his blubber save will keep him alive a lot longer than the cave troll. Drums I think are too expensive, I believe you can get two shamans for the same price plus change. Although you won't get the banner reroll, fury is so much better for courage and you get the save as well. |
Author: | Hilmir [ Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:54 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
Thanks for advice! Finally, which ringwraith would be best? I have access to generic ones, the witch king, Dwimmerlaik, the betrayer, the knight of umbar and Khamul. |
Author: | Arthas367 [ Sun Jan 17, 2016 1:19 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
On the Wraith Front, budget ones would work quite well here, but I could see the dark Marshal lending some nice weight, shadowlord also (but lives are cheap in moria, so not really necessary) |
Author: | Hilmir [ Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:02 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
Thanks again for help. This is what I was thinking. It's not really that important. Not competitive at all. Anyway: Azog with White Warg (leader) 10 hunter orcs (2 w 2hd weapons) 307 Goblin king 12 Goblins 168 Goblin scribe 8 Goblins 82 M. Goblin captain 12 M. goblins (shields, bows, spears) 95 M. Shaman 12 M. goblins (shields, bows, spears) 105 That's 757pts in total, with room for Ringwraiths etc. Sadly I've only got the one shaman Any suggestions? |
Author: | Scib [ Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:15 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
I would swap out the goblins with bows for close combat ones if you can. For the ringraith you could take a cheap generic one on horse with some extra orcs |
Author: | Hilmir [ Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:39 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
Final parts then: If I have a ringwraith on horse with 12 will and 2 fate and 7 orcs, I'm at 900. With 100 points left I could have: More orcs Or moria drum (as I've only got 1 shaman) Or Barrow wight 2 specres and some orcs Which should I use? |
Author: | LordoftheBrownRing [ Sun Jan 17, 2016 8:28 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
Idk why nobody has mentioned this but Azog is a bad idea.... His defense is five and Legolas can just auto hit him every single turn and kill him soon if you're unlucky. |
Author: | Galanur [ Sun Jan 17, 2016 8:42 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
Legolas still need 5s to wound and do not underestimate an unarmoured glorfindel version with boromir might store, S5 and burly. If you wanna make sure hes safe, take lieutenant of sauron... 25pts more but more durable and wider stand fast. |
Author: | Galanur [ Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:01 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
Try this fun one Evil Army 1000pts Warband 1 Dragon with tough hide and fly 1 x Bat swarms 7 Goblin prowlers with shields Warband 3 Goblin King 12 Goblin town goblins Warband 4 Groblog 6 Moria Goblin prowlers with shield 6 Moria Goblins with spear Warband 5 Moria Goblin Shaman 6 Moria Goblin prowlers with shield 6 Moria Goblins with spear Warband 6 Undying on armoured horse Total: 1000pts I know you got a dragon in it, despite hes weak with that take wound and pass courage or flee... still you got 3 will to ensure he stays... hes also D9 which means hes very tough to kill even for big heroes to land a blow on him...Why prowlers... imagine the dragon charges and wins combat, he will knock down models, prowlers gain +1 to wound vs trapped models, so models in the ground = trapped, also a goblin king pick up model and throw will likely cause mawhem on the enemy ranks and pin em down, allowing the prowlers to gain benefits from that model as well more than fighting models inthe ground an getting twice the chances to wound. A prowler fighting a model on the floor would be basically counting as S4 for all purposes to hurt models with D6, and gain a slightly better advantage than S4 against D7 :P The army dont relied on big numbers... as only have 49 models, so breaks at 25 but then you got a shaman to keep em in line and a very nasty nazgul that wont die to mere wound, hes nasty to deal with. The bat swarm in there normally stays behind the dragon and participate in fights that involve the dragon facing heroes, by reducing their fight value to half(in case the undying spells wont cover all the heroes) so theywill have an hard time to deal with you. And word of advice, dont be hasty to burn out all dragonĀ“s might in heroic strikes, hes quite tough to be wounded, at times letting yourself the gamble of using might points to influence the dice results might be better applied than wasting on heroic strikes for nothing... like the goblin king, its the same, on him you got a 3+ absorv bubble... hes a tanky guy he can take up beating and within a shaman range he not only get the 3+ absorv damage, but also the 5+ fury + the fate 4+ roll... so hes quite sturdy.... Give a try with this list and see how it goes :) And I didnt put any azog here, I thought the dragon would perhaps be more fun and drawn alot more enemy attencion, leaving your remain army nasty combos quite unawared. If the oponent dunno how to play, he will crazily focus on your dragon to force you to fail courage tests... If that still troubles you, get 29pts of this list basically drop prowlers and a goblin town goblin and add a numenorian with warhorn to th undying warband and keep him hidden, all models from your army will get +1 to courage, bumping your dragon to courage 5. |
Author: | Galanur [ Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:29 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
If you want simpler, just ask burrowed a Smaug and fill the remain 300pts with goblin town which gonne go for king, grinnah, 26 goblins, goblin captain and thats it.... |
Author: | Hilmir [ Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:05 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Moria/ Goblin Town 1000pt help |
Thanks everyone for your help! |
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