The One Ring

Mustering an Army Ep 20 Heroes Finale
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Author:  TheGreenDragon [ Tue Feb 23, 2016 7:49 am ]
Post subject:  Mustering an Army Ep 20 Heroes Finale

"The board is set, the pieces are moving. We come to it at last...
The great battle of our time."

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the final episode of Mustering an Army Season 1! As a group we have covered every list currently available in the game, shared our thoughts and come up with some great (and not so great) ideas. We'd like to thank everyone who has provided feedback, given their own thoughts and even just tolerated our ramblings for the few gems Kylie occasionally provides! We have been brainstorming how to proceed in the future but fear not, we will continue to dissect and discuss army lists.

So for now join Jeremy, David and Kylie as they turn their attention to the few remaining lists (including The Fellowship, Thorin's Company, The White Council and Smaug), discuss which points levels they would be most effective at, and muse on how the Green Dragon crew might attempt to run them. Enjoy! ... oes-finale

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