The One Ring

500pts Isengard help
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Author:  Gibbert [ Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  500pts Isengard help

Hey all, new to the game (got a couple of games under my belt but using some one elses models), this is a list I came up woth to get me through my first few games before I try and go competitive, so trying to make at least a decent list I won't have to change for a while and this is what I came up with, and thoughts on how you would tweek this would be much appreciated :)

Warband 1: 160pts
Uruk-hai Captain: Heavy armour, crossbow and shield.
x1 Orc Warrior: spear and Orc bow.
x8 Uruk-hai warriors: crossbows.

Warband 2: 170pts
Uruk-hai Shaman.
x12 Uruk-hai warriors: x4 hand weapon and shield, x8 pikes.

Warband 3: 170pts
Uruk-hai Shaman.
x12 Uruk-hai warriors: x4 hand weapon and shield, x8 pikes.

Author:  bruceqn [ Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 500pts Isengard help

A) Crossbows are extremely limited with the newer 'quick engagement' rules. You might get one round off --maybe two--before having to waste turns moving them into a useful position to fire again. Better to equip with Pikes. They do inspire fear, even in Dwarves.
B) You need a wider shield wall: 8 shields are too easily flanked.
C) Shamans are good--but your troops are so sturdy anyway, that you are better served with the low cost killer heroes Isengaard offers. He who has the most Might points at the last round, wins. I recommend getting 9 Might with:

Vrasku 6 Shield 4 Pike 2 Xbow and Pike

Mauhur 6 Shield 4 Pike 2 Xbow and Pike

Sharku 4 Shield 2 Pike 2 Xbow and Pike

If you don't have the models, some simple conversions will do. Option to gang up Pikes. Very tough army--and with Pikes behind your heroes, they become true Beasts.

Author:  Gibbert [ Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 500pts Isengard help

Thanks for the advice :)

Author:  Gibbert [ Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 500pts Isengard help

Oh right okay, thanks for the advice :)

Author:  polywags [ Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 500pts Isengard help

Yeah I would consider going Vrasku as well. The three might is pretty solid and he gives a little more combat effectiveness then the shaman.

I do like the cross bows though. I agree that sometimes, in some scenarios you won't get as much out of them but if ever you find yourself able to out gun another force it can be a pretty huge tactical advantage or at least option.

Berserkers and Feral Uruks are pretty nasty and always worth considering!

I kind of like Sharkey and worm as well, again, they can just add some nice tactical advantage as well as being a fun set of models to use!

Author:  bruceqn [ Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 500pts Isengard help

That is true about bows: I find them useless in 3 games, then they win me the fourth.

Definately equip them with Pikes...

Never used Sharkey, but always tempted (Immobilize is so useful) --but Might and Kill Potential always win out for me.

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