The One Ring

Unusual fun/competitive list 500pts mounted
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Author:  Galanur [ Tue Mar 29, 2016 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Unusual fun/competitive list 500pts mounted

Trying out this fun/competitive list, let me know what you think...

"its an almost pseudo warg attack from the two towers... just giving a bit more flavour to the list".

Warband 1
Sharku on warg with shield
5x Warg Riders with shield (2x with throwing spears)

Warband 2
Orc Shaman on warg
5x Warg Riders with shield (3x with throwing spears)
6x Orc trackers on wargs

Warband 3
Fimbul on warg
3 Hunter orcs

Warband 4
Narzug on warg

total: 500pts
models: 23
might: 10
break at 12; 25%= 6

Author:  infinateremains [ Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual fun/competitive list 500pts mounted

Looks good, however the mordor warband is illegal as it wouldn't be able to take that many orc trackers. I took a crack at it and came up with:

---- Warband 1 6/12 (Mordor)
Mordor Orc Shaman with Warg;
2 Orc Tracker with Warg;
2 Warg Rider with Shield; Throwing spears;
2 Warg Rider with Shield;

---- Warband 2 6/12 (Isengard)
Sharku with Warg; Shield;
5 Warg Rider with Shield; Throwing spears;
1 Warg Rider with Shield; Throwing spears; Banner;

---- Warband 3 2/12 (Azog's Hunters)
Fimbul with Fell warg;
2 Hunter Orc with Fell warg;

---- Warband 4 2/12
Narzug with Fell warg;
2 Hunter Orc with Fell warg;

---- Warband 5 1/12 (Dark Denizens of Mirkwood)
1 Fell Warg

500pts 10might 21models

might be quite good. Alternatively you can drop some throwing spears and the fell warg and take another rider somewhere else.

Author:  Galanur [ Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual fun/competitive list 500pts mounted

forgot the trackers bow limit :P

thank you

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