The One Ring |
Mordor 750 |
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Author: | mr. dude [ Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:49 pm ] |
Post subject: | Mordor 750 |
I've got a 750 point tournament coming up, I've been going on for a while about how I have drifted away from the formula that used to work for me in the past, so I thought I'd get a bit closer to that while still keeping the fun elements of my recent armies. At first, I thought I'd be a jerk and do something awful like 4 Barrow Wights, a Shaman, maybe a Drummer and a Captain, leading seventy-something Orcs with some Trackers thrown in there for good measures. Then I considered how not fun that army would be to use and to play against, so I scrapped the idea. Here's the new one: Shagrat (Captain version) - Shield 6 Morannons - Shield 6 Orc Warriors - Spear Shaman 6 Morannons - Shield 6 Orc Warriors - Spear Ringwraith 2-7-2 4 Morannons - Shield 5 Orc Warriors - Spear 2 Spectres Morannon Captain - Shield 10 Orc Trackers Shelob Spider Queen 750 points on the nose, 51 models, 10 might. The idea is simple, nothing innovative about this one. I wanted to have a fairly big army, I didn't want to blow all my points on big heroes, but I still wanted the two Spider Mamas (LotBR, this one is for you). I spent a while considering a named Wraith on a Fellbeast, maybe Super Shagrat, maybe two named Wraiths, or the two Spiders. Ultimately, this felt like the most reliable (although, as I type this, the idea of dropping the Spiders and bumping Shagrat/Budget Wraith for Khamul on FB and the Undying springs to mind). Thoughts? |
Author: | Salattu [ Wed Jun 15, 2016 7:07 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mordor 750 |
Well. I kind of like this themic. I can see a name of "Escort of Cirith Ungol" or "Escort of Shelob" or similar for this army. Units contain basically orcs orcs and orcs... I would prefer to see some mordor uruk-hais as shagrat is one, instead this morannon/normal orc spam. (I KNOW PRICE IS PROBLEM). Nazgul is a good idea - how likely is it there would be Shelob in an army lead by a small orc captain? It would probably need a nazgul to tame the beast... just enough to not eat all the orcs and then run back to caves. Spiderqueen is a cool looking unit, but it doesn't feel good to have both Shelob and the Spiderqueen (of mirkwood) in the same army, unless you really had a spider filled army with a lot spiders (shame these 2 cant lead, there should be special rule they could lead giant spiders, how cool :3). So, I suggest you to replace it with up to 6 normal giant spiders. Trackers are quite useless in such small amount. Very low hp, not supreme bow dmg... Army list could look like this in practice: *Ringwraith 2-10-1 -3 mordor uruk-hai -7 orc warrior, banner -2 giant spider *Shagrat, shield -3 mordor uruk-hai -7 orc warrior -2 giant spider *Gorbag -10 orc warrior -2 giant spider *Orc Captain, shield -10 morannon orc *Shelob Overall: 750 points, 10 might, 51 unit if u pick 3 shield+spear morannons |
Author: | mr. dude [ Tue Jun 21, 2016 2:22 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mordor 750 |
I do love my Uruks, that's definitely a fun army to play, haven't actually done it in years. For this though, I wanted that D6 just to feel extra safe. Orcs powered by a Shaman are more versatile than Uruks I find, better to trap scary heroes if I need to. It is a very exciting army that I am looking to play once I own enough Giant Spiders to do it. |
Author: | mr. dude [ Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:17 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mordor 750 |
Today, I tried two versions of the original army in preparation for tomorrow's shindig. First is what you see above, second was: Shagrat 6 M.O 6 Spearmen Shaman 6 M.O. 6 Spearmen RW 2-7-2 4 M.O. 5 Spearmen MoS Horse 5 Orc Trackers on Warg Shelob SQ Less numbers and might, gives up the Spectres, but more magic and has cavalry. It's a toss-up and I might not end up deciding until just before the first game. |
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